CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

015 Kevin Hall – Bipolar Recovery & Reality
May 26, 2016

"Bipolar" is just a label. Kevin's legacy embraces more than behaviors, more than an appearance diagnosis. The Truman show imperative: search for and identify the reality of the person, not the perceptions of the cameras.

014 Pallavi Kumar – Nutrition & Detox Evolve
May 24, 2016

Nutrition denial is pervasive - and Pallavi is the first of many professionals I'll interview as we travel down this CBJ path together. In this episode she addresses specific considerations for constructing nutritional and detox solutions.

013 Dr Craig Wiener – Parenting ADHD Children
May 19, 2016

Parents teach self-reliance: It's clear that counterproductive parenting patterns significantly contribute to arrested childhood development and emotional dysregulation. No, it's not the parent's fault, it is a matter of truly understanding how to use ...

012 Dr Joanny Liu – Concussion and Suicide
May 17, 2016

Concussion & Suicide: This interview with Dr. Liu documents the deep value of more comprehensive diagnostic and treatment strategies for TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury, and PCS - Post Concussion Syndrome - with a compelling drive from her own personal e...

011 Dr Karen Jacobson – Strategic Performance
May 12, 2016

Strategy vs. coaching: Today we're beyond "coaching," with vertical advice from above. Strategic performance work sets an objective of internal recovery and discovery - lasting personal value and global contribution.

010 Dr Robert Melillo – Brain Balance Details
May 10, 2016

Children's Brains Matter: Dr. Robert Melillo seeks to improve on imprecise, less effective outcomes for the complexity of multiple childhood mind disorders by providing specific, customized treatment strategies at his over 80 Brain Balance Treatment Ce...

009 Scott Stevens – Alcohol, Biology, Recovery
May 05, 2016

Alcohol Is A Killer: Alcohol Abuse (problem drinkers) and Alcoholism (drinking problems) constitute the top public health and public safety issues in America, to the tune of $220 billion in costs per year. Alcohol overuse is our number one killer and i...

008 Heidi Siefkas – TBI, PTS, and PTG
May 03, 2016

Brain Injured - Not Dead. Heidi Siefkas is a woman with a message, and she's on a mission. If you think you've been through the mill, just check out the details of Heidi's bouts with changing reality - including brain trauma in her own back yard.

007 Dr Robert Hedaya – On Biomedical Evidence
April 28, 2016

Biomedical details improve psychiatric interventions. Dr Hedaya spells out important biomedical details that change brain function - and are too often neglected by extant standards that target behavioral appearances.

006 Vespasian – On Rational Living
April 26, 2016

Rational rules for centuries: We're at a turning point in psychiatry, in mind health, based upon insights that arise from biologically measured data points. We're living in this new reality, but, quite interestingly,