CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

045 Friendship Ends – Dumped Recovery Livingston
September 08, 2016

Loss of adult friendship can prove devastating. Until now that loss, that transition from friendship to alone did not find serious coverage, especially from an expert in relationship management.

044 Whole Foods & Brain Function Denise Thunderhawk
September 06, 2016

Whole foods embrace only a part of a more comprehensive view of brain and body healing based upon ancient Chinese medical insights.

043 Politics News & Psychology – Post 9-11- Rossi
September 01, 2016

Political change oversights - Even those that are dismissing anything said about Trump, those who were planning to vote for him, may now be questioning him his mental stability because he is just going too far.

042 Biomedical Markers Bipolar & Schizophrenia Dr Walsh-3
August 30, 2016

Dopamine elevation matters in schizophrenia, and most current antipsychotic medications aim at lowering activity of this neurotransmitter. Unfortunately, this is the wrong approach for schizophrenics with different brain chemistry.

041 ADHD Recovery Melissa Hood
August 25, 2016

ADHD Recovery takes time, persistence and planning. Self-mastery brings self-esteem, improved self-confidence and now Melissa Hood plans to teach others how to make those improvements happen on a personal level.

040 Geriatric Depression Dr Gary Moak
August 23, 2016

Geriatric depression - denied and overlooked. Dr. Moak addresses the impact of denial & depression on specific geriatric health problems and explains how untreated geriatric depression doubles the chances of more severe illnesses such as diabetes.

039 Epigenetic Change Autism & Cancer Dr John Morrow
August 18, 2016

Epigenetic change influences health and disease - it's time now to share these discoveries with lay audiences to help address the social and political implications of our collective experience of profound epigenetic change.

038 Hypnosis, Synthesis and Recovery Dr John McGrail
August 16, 2016

Hypnosis informs Synthesis; integrating modern science with tools, techniques, methods and traditions more spiritually oriented - the old ways - to help Western thinkers rediscover their personal power and thrive in what has become a very energetically...

037 Neurotoxins & World Economics Dr Chris Martenson
August 11, 2016

Neurotoxins inform the future - Economy, Energy and the Environment (the "Three Es" as Chris calls them) now shape the future.

036 Clutter To DeClutter Alison Kero
August 09, 2016

Clutter explored - the meaning and the cure. Clutter isn't just physical; it's emotional and spiritual as well. Stuff has meaning.