CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

075 Urinary Neurotransmitter Testing – Watkins
December 22, 2016

Neurotransmitter and endocrine details matter, and remain so cost effective. If you don't look you can't see. In this interview, Dr. Chip Watkins weighs in as a medical director of a large CLIA Certifed laboratory testing, in this case,

074 Beyond Bipolar Meds – Fidel
December 20, 2016

Explore Bipolar Recovery Beyond Medications We can become our true selves in the awake state when our minds drop our acquired thoughts and beliefs. When we lose the idea of ourselves, the mental concept of self disappears and we discover the true being...

073 Answers For Complex Children Taylor-Klaus
December 15, 2016

Complex Children create parental complexity, puzzlement, and a learning opportunity for all of the family. The answers lie in the process of facing ever-changing reality with a different perspective.

072 Sensory Processing Disorder Maria Rickert Hong
December 13, 2016

Sensory Processing Disorder - SPD is not an official diagnosis. As a parent or practitioner, you’re left on your own to get help for a child whose issues you can’t quite understand - Start here at CBJ/072 for insightful next steps.

071 Alzheimer’s Dietary Guidelines – Healey
December 08, 2016

Alzheimer's Dietary Guidelines Matter Brain research is rapidly emerging and I know that Eat to Beat Alzheimer's is going to be a great start for a lot of people, because our collective understanding about brain health and overall health as it relates...

070 Disability Recovery – Tscherne & Love
December 06, 2016

Disability recovery involves direct action with reality. Every one of us is on a journey that leads us into a labyrinth. The roads we travel on are not always straight; they have curves, bumps, and walls to climb, and travel is not easy.

069 How I Found Myself Dean Roberts
December 01, 2016

Stoic insights found in the classics underline the importance of improved self-awareness, as Roberts uses Stoic thinking to evolve his life perspective and improve his self-reliance.

068 Self Confidence Finkeldei
November 29, 2016

Self-confidence challenges can at first naturally present as a reasonable response to any struggles with change- to any next steps. And if we remain stuck in outdated responses the passage of time creates real compromises in life.

067 Brain Balance Body Recovery – McCusker
November 24, 2016

Body recovery begins with an insightful plan, an awareness beyond mind-labels for a foundation of integrated recovery between mind and body.

066 Psychiatric Emergency Insights Isaac Abraham RN
November 22, 2016

A psychiatric emergency more often than not creates serious issues for the patient, the staff, the hospital and the entire community. Preparation changes the liability.