CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

185 Depression Recovery Insights – Williams
January 11, 2018

Depression may become refractory to ordinary treatment, and often presents as more than a feeling of depression. Listen to this journey out of the darkness.

184 Synesthesia, Perceptions & Mind – Brogaard
January 09, 2018

Consider synesthesia as a recovery tool, applicable in relationships wherein challenges often occur based upon simplistic thinking & complexity denial.

183 Probiotics Improve Mind Treatments – Trenev
January 04, 2018

The Mother of Probiotics reports details regarding the direct effect of probiotics on both the brain and the body. Probiotic health and precisely targeted supplementation improve mind games.

182 Measure Brain Toxins – Recovery Targets Matter – Shaw-2
January 02, 2018

Brain toxins contribute to the most difficult, refractory mind conditions on the planet. Dr. Shaw discusses measurement protocols for improved accuracy

181 Hemingway’s Brain Tragedy – Farah-2
December 28, 2017

Hemingway's brain compromise created depression, multiple symptoms of post concussive syndrome, and ultimately, after a long series of ECT, his suicide

180 De-Escalate Anger & Conflict With Wisdom & Mindset – Noll-2
December 26, 2017

To de-escalate any conflict, listen to Noll's extraordinary commentary with utilitarian neuroscience references on how to share your prefrontal cortex.

179 ADHD Diagnosis and Treatments Evolve – Hallowell-2
December 21, 2017

ADHD diagnosis - causes & evolved treatments blossomed for the public years ago with Hallowell's book on Distraction. Here: his new insights on ADHD.

178 Sexual Trauma In The Workplace – Udall
December 19, 2017

Udall spells out specifics for how to predict sexual trauma in the workplace. Intimacy regarding time spent and sharing private matters is no excuse.

177 Depression Treated Inaccurately & Excessively – Lewis
December 14, 2017

Depression treatment requires more than guesswork based on outdated criteria of appearance observations. Imprecision encourages misfortune based on excess.

176 CBD – Cannabinoids | Medical Marijuana & Brain Injury – Patel
December 12, 2017

CBD - Cannabinoids can help with CTE, TBI, brain injury - details from an experienced clinician to help formulate the possibility of improved interventions