CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

230 Phobia – NLP Resolution Insights – Barlis

June 19, 2018

Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP - For Phobia Relief
Kalliope Barlis has more than 20 years' experience in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, having trained under NLP founder Richard Bandler, who wrote the foreword for her book, Phobia Relief. Barlis is a licensed Neuro-Linguistic Programmer who operates an NLP training school in New York City where she maintains a private practice. She is currently the host of the podcast KalliopeKast.

Phobia Relief Day features Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques pioneered over 40 years ago by Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder.  Hundreds of thousands of people have benefitted from NLP, which is practiced by thousands of trainers, coaches, master practitioners and practitioners all around the world, licensed through The Society of NLP, the oldest and most respected licensing NLP organization.
Brief NLP Description
NLP is the study and use of successful behavior, emphasizing that by focusing on the awareness of how you think about what you fear, you gain control making the impossible become possible.  Since its inception, NLP has inspired other behavioral technologies, personal and business development coaching systems, all using the same core NLP strategies because of their ease and effectiveness.

Kalliope Barlis is known internationally as one of the highest level trainers of NLP, as a proponent of making it accessible to anyone and for her ability to guide people from fear to freedom.

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash
Using NLP
Kalliope is the founder of Phobia Relief Day. Using the same NLP skills she used to become a professional golfer, Kalliope Barlis helps people achieve greater mental discipline in all aspects of life to achieve their best selves—parents, spouses, students, and line workers. She works to help thousands of people gain freedom from their paralyzing fears and appeared on many major media outlets to discuss her time-tested skills that work quickly.

Through her professional development programs (which include high-level, ethical uses of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP -techniques), participants learn that how we first think influences our perceptions, and how we then feel, directs the ability to perform optimally—even in challenging times.
Book and Additional References

* Phobia Relief: Fron Fear To Freedom - Barlis, 2016 - Global Amazon Link 
* The Structure of Magic: Vol 1- Bandler and Grinder, on Language & Communication, 2005, - Global Amazon Link - A classic referenced here in our conversation.
* Her helpful website:
* Media:
* Details on NLP:
* by Michael Beale

Additional CBJ Experts Weigh In

* Summary page:
* Chronic Stress, Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia: