CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

229 Enzyme Systems & Refractory Food Sensitivities – Houston

June 14, 2018

Enzyme Intervention Systems for Refractory Food Sensitivities
Devin Houston, Ph.D., is the founder and CEO of Houston Enzymes, a division of Houston Nutraceuticals, Inc. Dr. Houston obtained his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. Dr. Houston reports here on details of these enzyme systems. 
His graduate work focused on enzyme discovery. Subsequent research at University of Virginia and Saint Louis University focused on enzyme mechanisms involved in cellular communication. Dr. Houston followed his academic career with research and development in enzyme manufacturing and invented the first digestive enzyme targeted to the unique digestive issues of autism.

His company, Houston Enzymes, provides a variety of enzyme products for digestive support. Dr. Houston often speaks at autism conferences on how enzymes can play a role in the gut-brain connection. In this meeting, we discuss details on the controversy and the promise of using enzymes for food sensitivity issues.

Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash
Dr. Houston - Enzyme Applications On The Air
I was tasked to investigate food sensitivities.
It makes sense scientifically - and ASD kids are improving.
Enzyme Insights & Resources Articles, Videos, Webinar Recordings that address these issues more completely.

Additional Enzyme References by Dr. Houston

* Howlett AC, Wilken GH, Pigg JJ, Houston DB, Lan R, Liu Q, Makriyannis A. Azido- and isothiocyanato-substituted aryl pyrazoles bind covalently to the CB1 cannabinoid receptor and impair signal transduction. J Neurochem. 2000 May;74(5):2174-81.
* Mukhopadhyay S, McIntosh HH, Houston DB, Howlett AC. The CB(1) cannabinoid receptor juxtamembrane C-terminal peptide confers activation to specific G proteins in the brain. Mol Pharmacol. 2000 Jan;57(1):162-70.
* Houston DB, Howlett AC. Differential receptor-G-protein coupling evoked by dissimilar cannabinoid receptor agonists. Cell Signal. 1998 Oct;10(9):667-74.
* Huang LC, Fonteles MC, Houston DB, Zhang C, Larner J. Chiro-inositol deficiency and insulin resistance. III. Acute glycogenic and hypoglycemic effects of two inositol phosphoglycan insulin mediators in normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats in vivo. Endocrinology. 1993 Feb;132(2):652-7.
* Houston DB, Howlett AC. Solubilization of the cannabinoid receptor from rat brain and its functional interaction with guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. Mol Pharmacol. 1993 Jan;43(1):17-22.
* Charalambous A, Yan G, Houston DB, Howlett AC, Compton DR, Martin BR, Makriyannis A. 5'-Azido-delta 8-THC: a novel photoaffinity label for the cannabinoid receptor. J Med Chem. 1992 Aug 7;35(16):3076-9.
* Houston DB, Howlett AC. Solubilization of the cannabinoid receptor from rat brain membranes. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1992 Jun 28;654:448-50.
* Larner J, Romero G, Kennington AS, Lilley K, Kilgour E, Zhang C, Heimark D, Gamez G,