CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

222 Overcoming Destructive Anger – Golden

May 22, 2018

Anger Management Reaches A Wider Audience
Dr. Bernard Golden, the founder of Anger Management Education in Chicago, has been a practicing psychologist for almost forty years. He has clinical experience in a variety of settings including community mental health centers, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, private practice groups, and individual practice.

He has worked with children, teens, and adults. Dr. Golden was an Associate Professor at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology in Chicago for twelve years prior to expanding his practice to full-time in 2002.

He is the author of

* Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work,
* Unlock Your Creative Genius, and
* Healthy Anger: How to help children and teens manage their anger

In recent years he has increasingly incorporated practices in mindfulness and mindfulness meditation as for anger management, as well as those based on compassion-focused theory and therapy. He emphasizes these approaches as well as skills with emotional intelligence in his most recent book Overcoming Destructive Anger.

Photo by Billy Hunt on Unsplash
Treatment Links and References

* Overcoming Destructive Anger - Golden, 2016 - Global Amazon Link

Additional CBJ Experts on Anger Management

* CBJ/150 Dr. Doug Noll - Anger and Mediation, Prison Tested
* CBJ/034 Dr. Bill Walsh - Copper and Kryptopyrrole Insights For Mood Dysregulation

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