CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

216 Restore Earth – ASD Gut & Brain Connections – Bush-2

May 01, 2018

Connections Between Gut, Earth & Brain Improve Treatment Options

You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment.
~ Nhat Hanh

Zach Bush MD, Charlottesville, VA., is one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country - with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care. The breakthrough science that Dr. Bush and his colleagues have delivered through Restore offers profound new insights into human health and longevity. In 2012 he discovered a family of carbon-based redox molecules made by bacteria. He and his team subsequently demonstrated that this cellular communication network functions to compensate for glyphosate, and many other dietary, chemical, and pharmaceutical toxins that disrupt our body's natural defense systems.

This exciting discovery provided demonstrable results surprisingly quickly in my office with a very refractory adolescent Autism Spectrum Disordered client, so I called him up to ask him for this interview.
Understanding How
This discovery als0 resulted in a revolutionary class of dietary supplements, including their product, Restore. Dr. Bush points to his kids as the driving force behind his passion for change. His drive for comprehensive biomedical reform for our collective futures is evident in this evocative episode.

His education efforts provide a grassroots foundation from which we can launch change in our legislative decisions, ultimately up-shifting consumer behavior to bring about a radical change in the mega industries of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large.

Listen up to Dr. Bush's global vision for comprehensive, data-driven change. He's quick, smart, entertaining and right on.
Personal Note

* This CBJ/216 Episode is a replay of a previous interview with a direct relationship to our current Autism Spectrum Disorder recovery series here at CBJ. It should be, even though I can't tell you what to do, mandatory listening. Fasten your seatbelts, Dr. Bush lives both on this earth and in the stratosphere. He provides excellent insights on gut, brain, leaky gut, and the evolution of farming, with associated, significant entropic changes in diet and nutrition that compromise the evolution of humankind.

Websites And Restore Connection

* PDF Summary - How-To-Use Restore Links:
* Listen Up - Daniel Schmachtenberger of Neurohacker, a highly esteemed previous guest here at CBJ, interviews Dr. Bush on his excellent podcast here:
* Restore Connections - Where and how in more detail.

Dr. Bush: Essential PDF Download
Glyphosate: Root Cause of Inflammation
Download Here

Additional Confirmatory Insights From CBJ Guests

* CBJ/134 Dr. Seneff on Glyphosate, Autism, and Cancer