CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

212 ADHD Prisoner Education To Prevent Recidivism & Relapse – Battinelli

April 17, 2018

 ADHD, Prisons & The Opiate Epidemic
Beth Battinelli Ph.D. reports on her exciting prisoner experiences with prison inmates who have no idea of their brain reality, especially regarding the underlying executive function challenges that led them to poor judgment, impulsivity and breaking the rules. In this CBJ/212 Episode, she talks about a program she developed: The ADHD Project.

Her mission for the ADHD Project is to increase ADHD awareness, understanding and recovery for inmates in corrections. It's an educational program that starts with primary brain science education for incarcerated individuals, and by using existing online resources, and it's a cost-effective program to continue upon the individual’s release - for example, CoreBrain Journal's Neuroscience Clubs.

She also wants to either start or join inevitable conversations about paradoxical reactions to pharmaceuticals for those incarcerated. The current news about the opioid crisis directly connects to both of these topics. Forewarned and educated is likely to reduce recidivism in this vulnerable, underserved population.

Well done, Beth - certainly a worthy project for undeniable difficulties.

*Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash


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Thanks, Dr. Battinelli,  for joining us here at CBJ to review these useful insights for our evolution toward more comprehensive, more targeted, biomedical psychiatry.
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