CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

209 Evolution Of Biomedical Psychiatry Diagnosis & Treatment – Tsafrir

April 05, 2018

Biomedical Psychiatry Evolves To Include Current & Ancient Wisdom
Judy Susanne Reis Tsafrir MD is a board certified, conventionally trained adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, a Harvard Medical School faculty member, with a private practice of holistic adult and child psychiatry located in Newton, Massachusetts. She maintains a deep curiosity about development and healing, and with an open mind uses diverse approaches based upon biomedical psychiatry for evolved treatment strategies.

She is familiar with a traditional medical/psychiatric diagnostic and treatment paradigm and is now much more drawn to the functional medicine, biomedical psychiatry model. She addresses the root causes of illness, rather than simply suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals.

She is also skilled in the use of energetic/spiritual methodologies, and is trained in a variety of energetic approaches including Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, Astrology, the Tarot, and Shamanism, and includes these modalities when there is interest.

As they say in thousands of meeting rooms, "It works if you work it."

You will much enjoy her spirited and straightforward assessment and fresh maps for next steps in the evolution of biomedical psychiatry.

*Photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash
Consider: No Boundaries
I chose a bridge as the symbol for my practice. I am drawn to consideration and inclusion of disparate contrasting elements in my understanding of people and situations. I like to keep the past and the present, the traditional and innovative, the ordinary and the sacred, the heart, mind, body and soul. It is only through healing ourselves, can we most effectively contribute to healing the planet.
  ~ Judy Tsafrir
Dr. Tsafrir's Connections

* - Nutrition Perspectives
* - References to Diminish Psychiatric Medications

Additional CBJ Experts On This Theme of Biomedical Insights

* Dr. William Walsh - Four 1-hr Specials on Methylation, Copper & Kryptopyrrole, Bipolar & Schizophrenia, and The End of Autism linked here:
* Review these many CBJ Expert Commentaries on the inarguable evolutionary value of informed testing for advanced Biomedical Psychiatry:


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Thanks, Dr. Tsafrir,