CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

207 Multiple Brain Integration Technique – Your 3 Brains – Lee-Emery

March 29, 2018

Multiple Brain Integration Technique - Use Every Brain Effectively
Bill Lee Emery - Is a coach who joins us from The Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia for this interesting review of our three brains, - what they do, and how to use them effectively. He is a mBIT - Multiple Brain Integration Technique - Coach and mBIT Master Trainer - and his favorite tribe-folk are heart-based entrepreneurs. [Is there an entrepreneur out there who isn't heart based?]

This interview will take you to places you intuitively already knew, and then adds clear maps with improved brain function markers to improve your response accuracy and timing.
Bill's Mission Is Both Deep & Practical for Everyday Life
Bill has a passion for helping people learn about themselves. Through his work over the past 35 years, he has taught thousands of clients and students how to improve various aspects of their lives through utilitarian coaching for improved self-management. Besides working in the corporate world, Bill facilitated personal growth programs at one of Australia’s best-known health resorts in Queensland.

Multiple Brain Integration Techniques find application in many of life's venues.

He has also worked with many elite sportspeople including the Australian National Skydiving Team and other individuals including world-class cyclists, triathletes, and golfers. He is the author of four books, appeared on several TV programs including ‘Good Morning Australia’ and has featured on various radio programs throughout Australia and overseas. - Strongly recommended, very interesting at any level.

*Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash
Listen To Bill Explain How Each Brain Works
mBIT, Mulitple Brain Integration Technique, offers unique insights and highly efficient processes you can easily train to use to overcome these kinds of challenges in your life.

Through a series of relatively simple yet powerful techniques, you can balance your autonomic nervous system, allowing you easier access to communicate with your three brains.

Once you are connected and communicating with your three brains, you now have the opportunity to align them, i.e., get them in agreement with each other. No more running in different directions. And here’s where things start to become fascinating.
Congruency Matters
Communication and alignment of your brains are vital for congruence, success, and happiness in life. Imagine how incredibly life-enhancing it is when your many minds are working harmoniously together to produce generative wisdom in your life!

Having your brains aligned allows you to quickly and effortlessly tap into the innate wisdom that resides inside you. You will be able to resolve internal conflicts so that you feel more congruent in your life, bring deep intuitive sense into your decision making and action taking, connect to yourself and others in ways you may not have experienced before and create wise and compelling goals, dreams and outcomes.
A Brief Multiple Brain Integration Technique Overview - The importance of each brain’s Prime Function
Each mind has a defined, distinct job to do. Just like in a company or organization where different people have different roles to perform, each brain has its specialized tasks.

And yet, if we don’t know what these prime functions are or how to access them efficiently and optimally, it’s highly likely that we could find ourselves experiencing all kinds of internal conflicts and struggles in life.

Perhaps you can relate to situations like these:

* You’re not even hungry,