CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

205 ART – Accelerated Resolution Therapy & PTSD – Breeding

March 22, 2018

ART: Accelerated Resolution Therapy & PTSD
Kelly Breeding is a clinical social worker with extensive experience in building community partnerships, non-profit leadership, fundraising, and program development. Ms. Breeding’s clinical practice has afforded her the opportunity to provide Accelerated Resolution Therapy Resouces with diverse populations - with a specialization in trauma and life transitions as well as providing community outreach for at-risk individuals and families.

Ms. Breeding earned her B.A. in Communications and Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of South Florida and has been trained in mindfulness-based therapies and applied behavior analysis. Ms. Breeding maintains a strong conviction for working with individuals involved in systems of care that face challenges throughout the context of their lives.
Her Role In Accelerated Resolution Therapy International

In February 2016, Ms. Breeding was selected to be the Executive Director of ART International Training and Research, Inc. where she oversees all policies and procedures and strategic and operational responsibility for ART International’s programs, expansion, and execution of its mission.

Kelly's interesting reportage here at CBJ amplifies on the already interesting and comprehensive ART overview rendered by Dr. Kevin Kip at CBJ/201 and both conversations are strongly recommended for both clients and those wishing to take more advanced training.

Kelly's observations are, in a word, inspirational. Must listen!

*Photo by Taton Moïse on Unsplash

Ed Note: Kelly discusses the multiple national training and resource centers for ART training and treatment services. If you would like to access either treatment or training, she discusses how and why for their remarkably predictive results at ART International - for those stuck alone, out on the road of life, with no pathway home.

References & Website - Of special note here: "Brief" appears effective.

* Website:
* Kip KE, Elk CA, Sullivan KL, Kadel R, Lengacher CA, Long CJ, Rosenzweig L, Shuman A, Hernandez DF, Street JD, Girling SA, Diamond DM. Brief treatment of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). Behavioral Sciences 2012; 2(2): 115-134. PMID: 23482431
* Kip KE, Sullivan KL, Lengacher CA, Rosenzweig L, Hernandez DF, Kadel R, Kozel FA, Shuman A, Girling SA, Hardwick MJ, Diamond DM. Brief treatment of co-occurring post-traumatic stress and depressive symptoms by use of accelerated resolution therapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2013; 4 (article 11):1-12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00011 PMID: 23482431
* 3. Kip, KE, Rosenzweig L, Hernandez DF, Shuman A, Sullivan KL., Long CJ, Taylor J, McGhee S, Girling SA, Wittenberg, T, Sahebzamani, FM, Lengacher CA, Kadel R, Diamond DM. Randomized controlled trial of accelerated resolution therapy (ART) for symptoms of combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Military Medicine 2013; 178: 1298-1309. PMID: 24306011
* Kip KE, Shuman A, Hernandez DF, Diamond DM, Rosenzweig L. Case report and theoretical description of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) for military-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Military Medicine 2014; 179:31-37.