CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

196 Destructive Post-Truth Politics – Tsipursky

February 20, 2018

Post-Truth Politics - Systems-2 Thinking & Leadership
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, from Columbus, OH, provides expertise in science-based decision-making through emotional and social intelligence to help leaders and organizations avoid disaster. He researches these and similar post-truth topics as a tenure-track professor at The Ohio State University's Decision Sciences Collaborative and History Department.
Truth and Politics? Listen as we discuss Post-Truth...
Does Tsipursky's name sound familiar? I invited him back for this second interview here at CBJ - his first at CBJ/124 discussed essential evolutionary details for the values of System-2 thinking patterns and is well worth a review. This interview is so timely as Dr. Tsipursky weights in on the abundance of political lies and their contributions to the disorder of our society.  Strongly recommended.

His new book is coming out soon, stay posted here as I will add it as soon as he sends me his Amazon Link.
Next: Post-Truth Politics & Emotional Intelligence
It's important to note that Gleb runs a nonprofit that popularizes science-based strategies for effective decision-making, goal achievement, emotional and social intelligence, meaning and purpose, mental and emotional well-being, and altruism in politics, business, and other life areas, Intentional Insights. He publishes articles on these topics in prominent venues and appears regularly as a guest expert on TV, radio, podcasts, and videocasts. An Amazon best-selling author, he is most well-known for Find Your Purpose Using Science, and his Pro-Truth Politics: Fighting Post-Truth Politics and Alternative Facts with Behavioral Science is forthcoming soon. He does speaking and training, as well as consulting and coaching, for current and future leaders and teams in mid-size and large corporations and nonprofits.

*Photo by James Newcombe on Unsplash
Dr. Tsipursky's Website & Books - Other Book Recommendations & References

* The Truth Seekers Handbook - Tsipursky - Global Amazon Link
Find Your Purpose Using Science - Tsipursky - Global Amazon Link
Thinking Fast And Slow - Daniel Kahneman - Global Amazon Link - Nobel Prize Economics
* His First CBJ Interview, Systems-2 Thinking Detailed:
* Wikipedia List of Cognitive Biases - patterned, impulsive, emotionally based thinking

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