CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

194 Handwriting Reveals Hidden Personality Traits & Conflicts – Martin

February 13, 2018

Handwriting Took Mozelle Out of Her Darkness
Mozelle Martin is a forensics expert with a specific skill-set regarding not only handwriting analysis - but how to use handwriting practices to encourage changes in underly personality traits. Yes, handwriting awareness and analysis can provide answers to underlying conflicts.

Now, this may sound a bit odd - beyond arcane - but in the spirit of diverse information and continuing here at CBJ to consider interesting options that might provide different useful answers I've included this interview. Listen up, her insights are persuasive.
Finding Herself
Mozelle was adopted at birth and raised as an only child by successful entrepreneurs, yet in an exceedingly toxic childhood environment. Today she is grateful for these experiences because they helped her fine-tune the life she wanted.  Always feeling like "the girl behind the fence" she now appreciates her driven purpose to remain focused on healing and success.

Handwriting is but one of her unlocking tools. 

After growing up in the forensics field, and serving a short time in the military, Mozelle opened her coaching practice in 1987 and became the first person in modern history to create a personality-changing, brain-based program through using one’s handwriting to change personality characteristics.

Since that time, Mozelle's career as a forensic handwriting expert continued to grow rapidly. She then moved into consulting for law enforcement agencies around the world, and regularly serves as a legal consultant and an expert witness.
Her Media Experience
Throughout her career, Mozelle has been featured on international radio and television programs, and in print media. She has been a consultant for Criminal Minds, has given commentaries to media outlets such as ABC, NBC, Crime Watch Daily, TruTV,  is a former newspaper columnist, and morning shows regular. She is a member of the Mental Health Awareness Coalition and the National Organization for Women and is a Board Member of the Council of Families for Children.

Additionally, Mozelle is a Forensic Case Consultant, working closely with her colleague, a retired Federal Agent to assess handwriting meanings.

After 14 years of college, Mozelle graduated with a Master's degree in Forensic Psychology, finishing in the top 15% of graduate students worldwide. She also holds a Doctorate in Transcendental Psychology and has worked as a Forensic Mental Health Professional in various correctional facilities across the USA. She currently teaches forensics at a Phoenix-area college and is listed in the Mental Health Professional Referral Network (MHPRN).

*Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Additional CBJ Experts on Childhood Trauma

* Childhood Trauma & Recovery - - Brown
* DeEscalate Anger & Trauma - - Noll

Her Handwriting Websites & Books

* Podcast:
* Blog:
* Detecting Suicidal Thoughts in Handwriting - Martin, 2017 - Global Amazon Link
* Criminal Cases of a Forensic Handwriting Expert -...