CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

193 Mental Toughness For Women Leaders – Quy

February 08, 2018

Mental Toughness For Women - And Men
He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty.
~ Lao Tzu
LaRae Quy was an FBI counterintelligence and undercover agent who exposed foreign spies and recruited them to work for the U.S. Government. A good FBI counterintelligence investigation uncovers new information about the spy to gain deeper insights into what influences their behavior and attitudes.

LaRae’s job was to dig beneath the surface, probe the unknown, and discover their real identity in spite of their obvious attempts at subterfuge. In the process, she ended up knowing more about the foreign spy than they knew about themselves. 

LaRae was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Wyoming where she learned many of the survival skills she would need as an FBI agent. After twenty years as an undercover and counterintelligence agent, LaRae became the spokesperson for the FBI in Northern California for four years. Although the job description had changed, she used the same set of communication skills to present both a compelling message and positive image of the FBI.

Listen up for deep international applications with down-home street smarts.
She Became Tougher
Mental toughness is the birthplace of personal leadership development. It is the ability for each person to look inward and find solid ground when the going gets tough. Strong minds identify productive patterns of behavior so they can become successful in areas that are important to them. Once individuals understand their behavioral patterns, they can choose to respond from a place of strength when confronted with risk and uncertainty in unpredictable situations.
Mental toughness is not something you’re born with; it is a quality that you can develop with experience and coaching by:

Saying no to your self-limiting beliefs
Rewiring your brain for new patterns of behavior
Empowering yourself—the opposite of helplessness
Cultivating the attitude of positivity
Surrounding yourself with people who build you up
Leading from the heart

*Photo by Dylan Siebel on Unsplash
LaRae's Website, Book & Recommendations

* Mental Toughness for Women Leaders - Quy, 2014 - Global Amazon Link
* Mindset - The New Psychology of Success - Dweck, 2007 - Global Amazon Link

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Thanks, LaRae for joining us here at CBJ to review utilitarian solutions for surmounting the challenges so often seen in women with management responsibilities in the context of male-dominated occupations.
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