CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

189 Workplace Trauma Drives Balanced Recovery – Menzel

January 25, 2018

Workplace Trauma Drives A Recovery Mindset
One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.
~  Aldous Huxley

Elizabeth Menzel is a 3-time best-selling author, speaker, and founder of The Happy Woman Academy, where she uses systems to address workplace trauma based in neurobiology, mindfulness, and compassion to teach women how to feel happy - even after traumatic events. She uses neuroscience to rebuild from within.

Elizabeth helps set standards for appropriate behaviors to prevent workplace trauma.

She comments here on the #metoo movement and workplace sexual predation. Her clientele is some of the most influential people in the world, including multiple billionaire industry moguls, Olympic athletes, international heads of state, and celebrity stars. She loves to travel and has delivered over 300 of her award-winning workshops worldwide.

Tune in to our CBJ show notes for specific giveaways with this interesting CBJ Episode - with notes on her next meeting planned in Tromso, Norway, Feb. 17.
Elizabeth's Programs
Mulitple books and programs focus on ending the cycle of sacrifice, sabotage, and neglect so that women can enjoy massive success in their career, health, and love life. She has facilitated thousands of transformations over the last 23 years and combines proven neuroscience and physics-based healing systems with compassion and humor, so you get long-term results in a short amount of time.

Her live events & Happiness Training Programs teach busy women of all ages compelling “on the go” ways to heal their body, invigorate their romance, and boost their career – so they can receive more money while enjoying life more fully! She’s on a mission to teach 1,000,000 women “The Happy Woman Formula” by 2020.
Her Mission
"The mission of the Happy Woman Academy is to provide women with a safe and sacred space to transform their health, wealth, & relationships by using proven science-based healing systems and the power of communion and laughter. The vision of the Happy Woman Academy is to restore the Feminine to her rightful place of honor & value next to the Masculine in society, thereby restoring harmonic balance to humanity, the earth, & nature. It's a big vision I know, but it’s the one I’ve got."

*Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash

Website & Books

* The Nordic Workshop in  Norway:
* Supercharge Your Health Vibe - Menzel, 2016 - Global Amazon Link
* Supercharge Your Love Vibe - Menzel, 2016 - Global Amazon Link

Additional From CBJ Guests On Mind-Body Health

* CBJ/111 - Hensely - Adrenal Fatigue and Qualia - Recommended cognitive and energy
* CBJ/168 - Cooper - Transform Stress Into Success - Mindset
* CBJ/178 - Udall - Sexual Trauma in the Workplace
* CBJ/187 - Gabelnick - Mothers Fit For Sanity
* CBJ/193...