CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

188 The Neurobiology of Food Addiction – Leppo

January 23, 2018

Food Addiction - The Neurobiology of Food
A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths.
~ Steven Wright
Micheal Leppo is a food addiction coach on a mission to address diet, weight loss, and self-management through understanding the neurobiology of food, called the You Will Succeed Program. His program is a 22-week video program that explains, provides coaching, and mentors client’s regarding how to achieve health and life benefits whilst managing food intake.

Please note that this program is more than just a weight loss program. It’s a program that is designed to help one live a longer, healthier, more successful life.
Personal Notes On Michael
"I am a passionate coach who has studied how food (notably processed GMO's, sugar-laden and high carb foods) controls your brain. These fatty foods excite the reward circuit in the brain which in turn release the neurochemical dopamine.
Food directly connects with neurobiology.
This release of dopamine provides one with a feeling of pleasure on several levels. Eventually, the continued overeating of these types of food desensitizes the feeling of pleasure the dopamine originally provides, which in turn explains in part why one has to eat more and more to regain the feeling of pleasure.  These dopaminergic challenges provide an understanding of why someone cannot eat 'only one cookie.'”
His Recovery Process
"What I set out to do and have achieved is to re-wire the brain to crave only healthy foods. Now, my brain is 99.999% re-wired only to want foods that help my body/engine run at optimal levels."

The direct result of re-wiring his own brain includes:

* A loss of over 70 pounds in 7 months
* Feeling like I have found the Fountain of Youth. I feel younger, stronger, healthier.
* I no longer have any interest in processed, high sugar and carb foods.
* I now crave and get excited to have a delicious piece of fruit or salad.
* Mentally, I feel like you can put any dessert in front of me and it makes no difference to my resolve.
* Mentally, I am so much stronger facing any type of adversity.
* I now look forward to exercising & cannot imagine not doing something for my body & mind every day.
* I wake up every day feeling like anything is possible.
* I feel like I can achieve goals I never thought were possible.

*Photo by FOODISM360 on Unsplash



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