CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

186 Better Brain Solutions Detailed – Masley

January 16, 2018

The Better Brain Solutions Detailed
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
~ Albert Einstein

Dr. Steven Masley - is a physician, nutritionist, trained-chef, author, and the creator of the #1 all-time health program for Public Television, 30 Days to a Younger Heart. He helps motivated people to tune up their brain, heart, and sexual performance. He is a fellow with three prestigious organizations: the American Heart Association, American College of Nutrition, and American Academy of Family Physicians. His research focuses on better brain solutions and the impact of lifestyle choices on heart health, brain function, and aging. 

His passion is empowering people to achieve optimal health through comprehensive assessments and lifestyle changes. As a best-selling author, he has published several books: Ten Years Younger, The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up, Smart Fat, and his latest book, The Better Brain Solution, plus numerous scientific articles [some listed below]. He does a great job of translating imperative biomedical principles for listeners at any level of inquiry and awareness.
You May Already Know Him
His work has been viewed by millions on PBS, the Discovery Channel, the Today Show, and over 500 media interviews.

And He's A Trained Chef

In addition to his extensive medical training he also completed a chef internship at the Four Seasons Restaurant in Seattle, WA, and he has performed cooking demonstrations at Cal-a-Vie Health Spa, Canyon Ranch, the Pritikin Longevity Center, and for multiple television appearances.

As a teacher during his career, Dr. Masley has spoken for over 300 continuing medical education (CME) events for physicians, and for over 700 public presentations on a variety of topics related to health, cognitive function, aging, and cardiovascular disease. He continues to see patients and publish research from his medical clinic in St. Petersburg Florida, and he offers weekly blogs on his website [linked below].

Dr. Masley is a must listen on several recovery levels - from the heart to brain to the challenges with chronic metabolic illnesses.

*Photo by j zamora on Unsplash

Dr. Masley's Website & Brain Function Assessment

*  - Strongly recommended


* The Better Brain Solution - Masley - Jan. 2018 - Global Amazon Link
* The 30 Day Heart Tune-Up - Masley -Feb. 2014 - Global Amazon Link
* The Longevity Diet - Discover The New Science Behind Stem Cell Research -  Longo - Jan. 2018 - Global Amazon Link

Some of Dr. Masley's Publications

* Masley SC, Roetzheim R, Masley LV, McNamara T, Schocken DD. Emerging Risk Factors as Markers for Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Scores. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2015; 34: 100-107
* Masley SC, Masley LV, Gualtieri T.