CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

097 Biofilm Candida & Brain Fog – Fresco

March 09, 2017

Biofilm and Candida Create Treatment Failure
Dr. Rachel Fresco, L. Ac. Ph. D. is the founder and chief formulator for Bio-Botanical Research. In 1989 Dr. Fresco began looking for ways to improve GI health and address systemic infections. One of the results of this research is her development of Biocidin®, a broad spectrum botanical formulation. This formula is recognized by many major diagnostic labs, clinicians, and authors as one of the most useful products for addressing difficult and resistant biofilm-relevant clinical presentations, such as candida.  Women know candida as that vaginal yeast infection, and knowledgeable practitioners know it as the overlooked fungus that creates brain fog, depression, exhaustion, and "ADHD."

Dr. Fresco presents lectures internationally at medical conferences and shares her research on the topics of biofilms, the link between GI dysbiosis and systemic inflammation, and the use of plant-based medicines in clinical practice. Her remarks on the clinical challenges with biofilm will change your perspective on several clinical mysteries.

Ed Note: Biocidin isn't the only candida product out there. However, many who dig deeper for clinical answers for treatment failure repeatedly praise it - for the reasons we discuss in this CBJ/097 interview.
My Favorite Clinical Question: #2
If you follow our discussions with guests here at CBJ you've heard me address this issue repeatedly - "How many times a day do you go #2?"  No, I'm not trying to become a gastroenterologist. My end target is the mind, not the gut. Sorry to sound so defensive, but I can assure you there is a reason - many reasons - as other territorial docs don't consider the significance of these medically relevant connections.

It is necessary to remind folks: I'm a brain function professional looking for answers that cripple brain function, feelings and thinking. Cognition and affect just don't work right with destructive #2 problems [1] - brain functions do become unpredictable in spite of psychotherapy and meds. And, even more importantly, medication treatments become almost impossible when bowel and downstream liver compromises pollute the traditional psychiatric medical care process. Meds must first pass through the body to arrive in the brain. [Transit Time Tool for cost-effective home evaluation of bowel function - Mayo Clinic and Pub Med Reference - PDF Here]

Candida and its protective biofilm change gut function, contribute to malabsorption and directly affect brain function.
Biofilm Downstream From Candida Creates Treatment Failure
Candida is one of the most prominent challenges that traditional medical folk think is quackery.  They believe that it's quackery for one simple reason: they limit their targets to only bowel function, life-and-death acuity, not chronic brain function associated with psychiatric treatment failure.

The FDA assures us that candida laboratory testing is valid, so what's the point with the candida naysayers? Lack of experience and denial of hard data based on inside gossip creates a limited view of these pervasive, coalescent mind problems. To overlook the cognitive problems of candida and associated biofilm is both short sighted and small minded. This, my friends, is a classic recurring case of acuity focus and chronic denial. 

This fascinating interview with Dr. Fresco added many additional helpful perspectives for anyone trying to understand what to do about refractory mind illnesses and GI disturbances that present as untreat...