CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

087 tACS Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation – Fisher

February 02, 2017

Advanced Technology Provides Additional Treatment Alternatives
Interestingly, the first history of electrotherapy was in 46 AD by the physician of a Roman senator.
- Chip Fisher
tACS - Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulator - A Tool For The Mind
Chip Fisher, New York, New York, is President and CEO of Fisher Wallace Laboratories, manufacturers of the Fisher Wallace Stimulator, a non-invasive home use medical device which treats depression, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as different forms of chronic pain using a mild form of electrotherapy. Chip brings an additional peer-reviewed, FDA cleared technology for a variety of refractory conditions. I can tell you with no hesitation his Fisher Wallace device has worked surprisingly well for patients with dramatic treatment failure after a wide variety of medications with additional intervention strategies and is definitely worth your review.

Even more importantly for listeners at CBJ, he is smart, entertaining and focused on useful information to proved improved understanding for this interesting device that holds much promise for treatment failure.
More About CES | tACS Stimulator - CES: Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation
Cleared by the FDA, The Fisher Wallace Stimulator provides accessible and cost-effective treatment for depression and anxiety. During each 20-minute treatment session (once or twice a day), the device stimulates the brain to produce serotonin while lowering cortisol (the stress hormone). N.B. Patients should not reduce or cease taking antidepressant medication without first speaking to their doctor.
Treat Symptoms with Advanced Technology
Designed collaboratively by world-class engineers and physicians, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® uses patented waveforms to gently stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and other neurochemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep. Unlike antidepressant medication that inhibits neuronal receptors from absorbing serotonin, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® enables the brain to produce serotonin naturally while improving the brain's ability to regulate the limbic system. See the links below for specific comments.
Ed Note:
Brief personal endorsement: I've personally witnessed significant improvements with this device and do recommend it for several types of patients after medical review:

* Veterans with anxiety, sleep, addiction, and PTSD symptoms - See our Vets Page here.
* Those who remain philosophically firm on "no psychiatric medications."
* Treatment refractory clients who face the challenge of poor response to multiple trials of medications.
* See details here.


Chip Fisher: Here At CBJ/087

My father founded Fisher Radio and perfected the stereo phonograph
How it works 
The history of electrotherapy dates back to Roman times
The difference between tACS and ECT
The difference between tACS and TMS 
Relevance of tACS for PTSD & TBI starting post 9-11
Relevance of tACS for addiction medicine 
Cortisol, insomnia and tACS 
Applications of tACS in this opioid/addiction crisis
Pain treatment, migraines, fibromyalgia options with tACS
Notes on Lyme, Cerebral Palsy and other challenges


* The Fisher Wallace Details.

Chip Fisher review at TEDx Beacon Street - 5:59 min

