CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

085 Inoculation – Vaccines & Autism – Heckenlively

January 26, 2017

Inoculation Fallacies - Behind The ASD Diagnostic Curtain

Science has a sacred obligation to tell the truth. The public expects our scientific and medical authorities to perform their work free of undue influence or bias. But what happens when our most prestigious institutions lie and attempt to destroy data which shows harm to children?
- Kent Heckenlively

The Vaccine Controversy: Money, Politics, And Antiscience
For years the autism community has held its breath knowing that repeated clinical experiences from many practitioners connected some childhood inoculations as causal and directly related in time with profound developmental regressions in childhood. This clinical observation even today is commonplace, and was uniformly accepted as a necessary connection until politics stepped in to redefine the truth.
Listen up here as an impassioned, meticulous lawyer helps us redefine and clarify with explicit references how research results turned into smoke and mirrors for children and parents, with repercussions on a global scale.
ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder - can arise from inappropriate inoculations - vaccinations.
Kent Heckenlively, JD - is a science teacher, an articulate attorney and long-time autism activist with a new book, Inoculated: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism. Kent's book tells the story of CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson and the CDC's decades-long attempt to cover up a link between vaccines and autism. In this episode, we take an extended look behind the curtains of denial and groupthink with a lawyer who has done his homework to connect measured reality with experience.
Revealing Details From His Book
Important insights include the fact that in November of 2013, Simpson University biology professor, Dr. Brian Hooker got a call from Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) working in vaccine safety.
Ultimately, their conversations would lead to explosive revelations that top officials at the CDC engaged in a systematic cover-up of data showing that earlier administration of the MMR vaccine caused increased rates of autism in children, particularly among African-American males. Thompson would eventually turn over thousands of these documents to the office of US Congressman William Posey.
Kent Heckenlively: Here At CBJ/085

Mine is a unique perspective to undertake this task 
There's nothing more controversial than talking about vaccines and autism 
I applied for access 10,000 documents turned over to Congress that reveal the details in my book 
How I personally became interested in the subject of autism 
I started the Gluten Casein Free [GCF ] diet with my mute son 
Wakefield was discredited for years by the CDC
Hard data, the CDC and a moral decision 
How the CDC decided to handle the data
Reasons other than financial for twisting the truth
So what should we do next?
You can't ask me to be scientific without scientific data 
Science is better than the standard of care
The public is concerned 

His Website and Books

* Inoculated: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism - Global Amazon Link
* Plague - One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases - Viruses Matter - Global Amazon Link


* Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment,