CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

083 Fibromyalgia Migraines and Mind – Greenberg

January 19, 2017

Fibromyalgia, Migraines, The Past, And Brain Healing
The best vision is insight.
- Malcolm Forbes
Fibromyalgia Pain Matters: Fresh Connections Between Mind And Body
Fibromyalgia only opens the door. Do you think you're traveling outside of the box? Prepare for a deeper dive from Dr. Mike Greenberg. He lives in a different reality - beyond opiates - with mind markers that can help refractory pain and trauma conditions.

In his startup practice for 20 years in LA, he treated celebrities, appeared on national TV, published articles on achieving optimal health, and provided workshops around the country for his peers. In 1996, he was awarded a United States Patent for his multi-vitamin and herbal formula. After moving to Atlanta, his practice evolved to focus more on fibromyalgia, migraines, and pain - the subject or our interview at CBJ/083. Here you will learn, through interesting examples, a brief orientation to kinesiology.
His Edge - Fresh Maps
Be forewarned, in this CBJ/083 Episode, you will learn about more than just fibromyalgia. These different, edgy, yet effective diagnostic and treatment techniques that will likely encourage some skepticism if you think about fibromyalgia reductionistically. Therefore, in the spirit of searching for additional possibilities for other refractory conditions that might have an impact on the plague of pain treatments with opiates, take some time to listen up here.

In this CBJ Episode, 'Dr. Mike' digs deeper into the biomedical reality of multiple body and brain connections.
Dr. Greenberg: Here At CBJ/083

Athlete balance - mind and body through NET - kinesiology  
On kinesiology and 'clearing' through arm perceptions 
The meaning of the testing results - sounds woo-woo..
We say we're talking to the body 
NAET: food allergies and vitamin absorption explained
I stopped treating ADHD - then read Dr. William Walsh 
Copper testing with kinesiology 
Vets: How I use EMDR with PTSD

Previous CBJ Interviews - Relevant To Mind Body Communications

Dr. Peter Osborne - Gluten Variants & Pain -
Dr. Joanny Liu - Concussion and Suicide -
Dr. Dean Howell - NeuroCranial Restructuring - htttp://
Dr. William Walsh - Methylation -
Dr. Bart Billings - Combat Trauma -
Dr. Daniel Twogood - Chronic Pain -
The CBJ Vets Page -

Easily Forward This Audio Message Link To a Friend
Dr. Greenberg's Book Drawing Closes Feb. 2, '17

Keep Your Eyes On Attracting Love
Here ↓
Dr. Greenberg's Website & Book

* Millenium Healthcare - Atlanta
* Keep Your Eyes On Attracting Love - Global Amazon Link

