CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

082 Liver Insights For Brain Connections – Gaughran

January 17, 2017

Liver Insights For Brain Healing
Liver health is at the core of overall well-being and improves the quality of people’s lives. Detoxifying and regenerating damaged liver tissue leads many away from more dangerous medical alternatives with consequences that inevitably effect brain function.
~ Brendan Gaughran 
Why The Liver? Liver and brain should work together
Ed Note:  My perplexity this Tuesday AM - publish this raw form or delay while waiting for the final production. I'm more dedicated to punctuality than perfection, so this is going up unpolished, with my side of the recording not equalized.  I'll replace it for improved listening as soon as the final comes in.
Brendan Gaughran holds a degree in Molecular Biology and clearly is well focused on liver function as it relates to both brain and biomedical predictability. He has served at the forefront of developing high-quality biomedical formulations for nearly two decades. Liver Medic is the second company he has founded, both with the mission of helping to improve your quality of life. Brendan provides informed health lectures to both physicians and the public.

His research focuses primarily on gut health, liver health, endocrine system, adrenal fatigue and optimum diets, all of which directly affect brain function.

In this CBJ Episode Brendan digs deeper into the biomedical reality of liver and brain connections.
His Mission
"Currently, Liver Medic is bringing this educational message and our natural supplements to the public online and through Health Food Stores to address these serious health issues. Liver problems are fast becoming a national epidemic contributing to increases in:

* obesity,
* diabetes,
* chronic inflammation,
* allergies
* candida, and a host of other health concerns.

We continue to add to our line of natural products providing natural supplements to reverse years of damage. Our desire is that Liver Medic improve the well-being of our customers and that we all witness the start of a healthier, happier life."
Deep Liver Insights - Reports From Brendan: Here At CBJ/082

How the liver found me 
Our food supply and personal products have changed so dramatically 
More details about personal health care products 
The hard data on numbers of people with liver disease 
The liver and the brain 
How many people over 50 suffer with liver disease 
The liver disease spectrum from NAFLD
Autoimmunity, gluten, increased sensitivity and liver disease 
The recommended tests - including MTHFR 

Previous CBJ Interviews - Relevant To Liver & Detoxification

Effective liver function is essential for all of these various issues:
Dr. Peter Osborne - Gluten Variants -
Dr. Robert Hedaya - Biomedical Measures -
Dr. Rick Malter - Trace Elements, Heavy Metals -
The Walsh Series: Methylation - CBJ/025, Copper & Kryptopyrrole - CBJ/034, Bipolar & Schizophrenia - CBJ/042
Dr. Chip Watkins - Neurotransmitter Testing -
Dr. Mache Seibel - Estrogen/Menopause -