CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

081 Measure Personal Health – Tefft

January 12, 2017

Measure Your Personal Nutritional Needs

When you eliminate nutrient deficiencies and excesses, and decrease toxic infiltration, a faster, more efficient metabolism develops. With less body fat accumulation, elimination of fatigue, slowed aging, dramatically increased immune system resistance to disease, a greater mental clarity with fewer aging symptoms and improved athletic performance results in a higher quality of life.
~ Gregg Tefft
Why Measure: His Passion, Perspective, And Problems
Currently, Dr. Greg Tefft is the founder of Personalized Nutrition Consultants, a leading expert in personalized nutrition, a triple crown Natural Mr. America bodybuilding title-holder, a renowned clinical bio-nutritionist, wellness practitioner and author his newest book, Your Personal Life – Measuring What Your Specific Body Needs to Live Lean, Long, Strong and Better.  

Ultimately, Dr. Tefft found the course set for his life’s work when, as a top swimming contender for the US Olympic Team in 1972, he suddenly collapsed, unable to breathe. A diagnosis of asthma left him nearly debilitated, going in and out of hospitals, taking various medications and believing, as he was told, that he’d be on prescription drugs for the rest of his life.

During this CBJ interview, he tells us how he corrected his immunity issues and now works to measure clients for more data-driven answers to address treatment failures.
The Person & His Professional Experience
Starting with clinical studies to measure and improve the performance of collegiate athletes, for over 30 years Dr. Tefft has been perfecting the practice and the science of personalized, measured, nutritional fitness. Working with over 110,000 people, he has helped develop a system of nutritional testing where each body chemistry is digitally measured and analyzed for its exact chemical make-up of foundational minerals, vitamins, and toxicities and then corrected for imbalances, to each person’s particular need.

From extensive experience with Olympic athletes, bodybuilders, the wealthy and famous, to neighborhood folks, Dr. Tefft’s teachings, health guidance, and nutrition wellness system bring people into the prime of their greatest health, body shape, and vitality. Dr. Greg Tefft’s work adds an important perspective to weight-loss, healing and longevity assessment protocols.
Measure Reports From Dr. Tefft: Here At CBJ/081

For years we've offered tests internationally
His three most important tests 
Details on mineral analysis
You don't have to be rich and famous in Malibu 
Slow & fast metabolism and stress 
My experience with IgG and immune testing 
The Mouth to the South and Transit Time
The NHANES Study - nutrition is about individuality 
My medical challenge that caused me to drop the Olympics 
My Special Gift for your CBJ Listeners 

Previous CBJ Interviews - Measure and Diagnosis

Dr. Peter Osborne - Gluten Variants -
Dr. Robert Hedaya - Biomedical Measures -
Dr. Rick Malter - HTMA | Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis -
The Walsh Series: Methylation - CBJ/025, Copper & Kryptopyrrole - CBJ/034, Bipolar & Schizophrenia - CBJ/042