CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

080 Estrogen Menopause and Mind – Seibel

January 10, 2017

Estrogen & Menopause - For Informed Transitions

Dr. Mache’s meticulous review of the most recent scientific evidence about menopausal hormones will help the reader think about the extra benefits that result from taking estrogen in the right way and at the right time. Clearly presented, this book shows that estrogen therapy improves quality of life including workability, prevents disease, and can be life-saving.
~ Philip M. Sarrel, MD, Professor Emeritus Yale University School of Medicine
Why: His Passion, Perspective, and Menopause
Dr. Mache Seibel is an Obstetrician & Gynecologist, a global leader in women’s wellness and menopause and a highly respected medical communicator. When his wife had her ovaries removed to prevent cancer and fell into early menopause, her doctors weren’t sure if estrogen was safe or if she should take it. He used his broad medical foundation to find out the truth. Dr. Mache spent years researching estrogen and menopause and is passionate about helping women around the world get the information they need to “figure it out” so they don’t have to “tough it out.”

The Person, The Professional, and Estrogen
'Dr. Mache' spent years researching estrogen and menopause and is passionate about helping women around the world get the information they need to “figure it out” so they don’t have to “tough it out.” His latest book, The Estrogen Window, uncovers the window of opportunity to begin estrogen to lower the risk of disease and optimize relief of symptoms.

Take notice, as women of any age will love this data-driven, deep episode on multiple issues so frequently overlooked with hormone assessments and treatment for menstrual dysregulation, estrogen dominance, and menopause specifically.
Academic Experience
First, consider his teaching credentials. Dr. Mache Seibel was a member of the Harvard Medical Faculty for 20 years, was a professor at the University of Massachusetts for 8 years, and is currently again a member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School. 'Dr. Mache' is also Editor of The Hot Years: My Menopause Magazine,  the Creator of  The Menopause Breakthrough System, a five-step complimentary/proprietary system to help women in the 'hot years' stay healthy, happy and hormonally balanced. Also, you may join him with your questions for monthly free calls at, to find what women are calling the best midlife health information on the internet.

It's important to note that Dr. Mache is the recipient of multiple awards for speaking, writing, media coverage, research, and music. He has been featured in People magazine, Discover magazine, Today, MSNBC, hosted PBS specials and appeared on many other media outlets. He is also a frequent keynote speaker and health communicator for numerous organizations, businesses, and conferences. Dr. Mache and his wife live in Boston, Massachusetts.

Ed Note: As a psychiatrist interested in brain function, it was a pleasure to interview Dr. Seibel on these important issues, as his insights about mind and menopause remain too often overlooked in standard psychiatric practice. Here he tells us how hormone dysregulation challenges both body and mind.

Reports From Dr. Mache: Here At CBJ/080

Raised in the South, ultimately a fellowship at Harvard 
I did some of the first in-vitro fertilizations in the country 
Insights to the term 'estrogen dominance'
Data shows: the women treated with estrogen lived longer
When to start estrogen treatment is what the W...