CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

078 Creativity – Deep Brain Connections – Stephens

January 03, 2017

Creativity And Brain Synchrony - Art, Science, and Life
The tendency to categorize creates stereotypes. Since we recognize patterns so easily, we get lazy. It's easier to file things into existing cabinets than to build new ones, so sometimes we put our carts before our asses and willfully declare that the pattern comes before the distinction.
~ Ransom Stephens
Dr. Ransom Stephens ranges over a broad imperative of evolving brain landscapes. From Petaluma, California, trained as a physicist, now a science writer and novelist, he has written hundreds of articles on subjects ranging from neuroscience to quantum physics to parenting teenagers.

His new book, The Left Brain Speaks but the Right Brain Laughs (Viva Editions-2016), is an accurate, somewhat irreverent look at neuroscience for a lay audience with an emphasis on creativity, innovation in art, science, and life. Brain balance between hemispheres matters for understanding next steps - both in science and the everyday world.

He builds his novels, The God Patent (47North, 2010) and The Sensory Deception (47North, 2013), on accurate, digestible science to investigate complex social issues like the science-religion culture war - environmentalism and technology - plutocracy and anarchy.

Don't miss his unusually insightful neuroscience perspectives here at CBJ/078, including views from 40,000 feet to down in the dirt at street level.

In living, many issues are not so sharp, and therefore a system which posits the general sharpness of 'either-or,'  and so objectifies 'kind', is unduly limited; it must be revised and made more flexible in terms of 'degree'. This requires a physico-mathematical 'way of thinking' which a non- Aristotelian system supplies.
~ Alfred Korzybski
Ed Note:  Yes, I know I've shared with you many observations about my appreciation for Korzybski, and do love his message for maps beyond dogma. His Science and Sanity does take us beyond the stuckness of time-binding and reductionistic thinking. But if you remain somewhat intimidated by his Field Theory of General Semantics, and seek a more introductory experience I strongly recommend Ransom's book as an excellent starting point for your next steps. It's a good read for new maps out on the Path of Mind Evolution.

Also, if you enjoyed your travels with us in this episode, you really must stay tuned for our stimulating CBJ conversation coming soon [Jan. 24, '17] with a master of systems and coalescence - Daniel Schmachtenberger with Neurohacker. [I strongly recommend you listen at this link after publication:]
Reductionism gets a bad rap because it seems kind of stupid. Why would you take a big complicated, interrelated system [such as brain function] and break it into pieces instead of trying to appreciate the whole thing at once?
~ Ransom Stephens

Dr. Stephens Reports: Here At CBJ/078

* My background in experimental physics 
* My presentation topics: innovations, death  
* Consciousness, emergence, and the complexity threshold
* Right and left brain activities explained
* On art, science, critics, choice and what we value 
* The recent election results and 'idea prejudice' 
* Creativity in science and art 
* Understanding value - an application for everyday life
* The majority of what we think is below consciousness 

Dr. Stephen's Complimentary Download PDF

5 Keys For Unlocking Your Inner Creativity