CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

077 Addiction Treatment Evolves – Mele

December 29, 2016

Addiction Treatment Evolves - Neurobiology & Recovery
If you're treating an alcoholic only to make them sober, you'll create a person who lives as a dry drunk.
~ Anthony Mele
Addiction Treatment Now Includes Understanding Biomedical Complexity
Dr. Anthony Mele serves as the Chief Clinical Officer with the Sovereign Health Group [nine locations nationally]. He's a licensed psychologist originally from Philadelphia and brings over 25 years of clinical and senior management experience on both the payer and provider sides of behavioral health. In his different roles, Dr. Mele has overseen the integration of neurobiology and traditional psychotherapy to treat co-occurring disorders, including associated addiction treatment issues.

Specific Programmatic Interventions

Of particular interest to Dr. Mele is the process of creating addiction treatment interventions based on the interesting, more cognitive techniques of DBT [Dialectical Behavior Therapy] and Motivational Interviewing.

Tune in for the details on these modern, more comprehensive addiction treatment methodologies that target specific, cognitively driven behaviors.
Sovereign Health's Mission
The Sovereign Health Group's mission is to provide a broad spectrum of high-quality behavioral health and addiction treatment services. Sovereign Health's treatment programs specialize in addressing underlying mental health conditions by utilizing innovative and cutting edge cognitive testing, rehabilitation, and evidence-based treatment modalities.
National Resources
One factor that differentiates Sovereign from other treatment providers has been the company's ability to offer separate mental health and addiction or dual diagnosis treatment programs at it's nine [as of 12/16] facilities in Arizona, California, Florida, Texas and Utah.

Dr. Mele Reports: His Clinical Work Here At CBJ/077

* All of our programming is research, evidenced based
* Rogers, Maslow & Erikson combined with recovery 
* When he studied fetal cocaine syndrome
* The environment does play a role in addiction 
* How we get to the cognitive, the brain functioning issues 
* Series of steps in Dialectal Behavior Therapy
* One of the techniques in Motivational Interviewing

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Dr. Mele's Addiction Treatment Teams

* Sovereign Health - Website 


* He recommends: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Erik Erikson

His Addiction Treatment Books - Global Amazon Links

* Switched On: A Memoir of Brain Change and Emotional Awakening - John Elder Robinson
* In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Close Encounters With Addiction - Gabor Mate, MD

Supportive CBJ Interviews Relevant To Recovery

* Mentioned: Dr. Walsh - Methylation:
* Scott Stevens - Alcohol, Biology & Recovery: