CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

075 Urinary Neurotransmitter Testing – Watkins

December 22, 2016

Neurotransmitter Testing Addresses Treatment Failure
When patients have sufficient, targeted neurotransmitters for each medication to work on, the medications work better.
~ Chip Watkins
Neurotransmitter Measurement - Dr. Watkins: Indications & Validity
R.W. "Chip" Watkins, MD, MPH, FAAFP, from Asheville, NC: The Chief Medial Officer at Sanesco International and Laboratory Director at NeuroLab, Inc., tells us important details about the value and predictability of neurotransmitter testing. Yes, urinary neurotransmitters do correlate with brain levels and can help turn the tide when you find yourself down the dark path of treatment failure.

For compelling evidence, Sanesco provides urinary neurotransmitter testing as well as adrenal hormone testing. This lab correlates patient symptoms via a questionnaire and their laboratory results in something they call a correlation analysis. Clinicians then use this actionable data to make decisions about specific, targeted treatment options. Tune in as Chip discusses the usefulness of neurotransmitter testing and advanced biomedical testing for everyday psychiatric practices.

In fact, neurotransmitter and endocrine details matter, and remain remarkably cost efficient - especially when stacked up against the cost of treatment failure. If you don't look, you can't see.
It's noteworthy that Dr. Watkins lectures on a wide variety of topics at the local, state, national, and international levels. Also, he has authored multiple journal articles and textbook chapters and has over 20 years of experience in private practice, teaching, and corporate medicine.

He joined Sanesco International’s Medical Board in 2005, later became their Medical Director, and is currently serving as Sanesco’s Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Watson is also Laboratory Director of NeuroLab, Inc.

You will soon discover that Chip is an active, straightforward and excellent speaker, and in this episode explains new investigatory neuroscience for use in Anytown.
Current Responsibilities
Also, Dr. Watkins is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and a past-president and Chairman of the Board of the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians. It's important to note that Dr. Watkins earned the honorary degree of Fellow in the Academy of Family Physicians and now serves on the Board of Directors of COLA as a representative of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Further, he is an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at both the UNC School of Medicine and the East Carolina School of Medicine.

Dr. Watkins Reports on Neurotransmitter Measures Here At CBJ/07

* I'm originally trained as a family practitioner  
* I got tired of saying 'I don't know' 
* The really fun part of this job 
* Neurotransmitter measurement is just a piece of the puzzle 
* Why neurotransmitters testing - chickens in the ranch
* Neurotransmitter precursors documented in PubMed 
* Precursor molecules help balance estrogen function
* Balancing the system
* How cofactors fit into supplementation
* Our correlation analysis connects findings with symptoms

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Managing Depression and Anxiety
Providing Options and Adjuncts to Pharmaceutical Treatments

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