CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

073 Answers For Complex Children Taylor-Klaus

December 15, 2016

Complex Children Create Parental Complexity
You can’t help your kid – or yourself – build a strong, healthy life if you start with a shaky foundation. I needed to strengthen mine and parent from a place of hope and optimism, not fear and anxiety. When I began to realize that my child could have a fulfilling life, that she could thrive, I saw a way out of my panic.
~ Elaine Taylor-Klaus
Elaine Understands Complex Children On A Personal Level
First, connect with her personal experience. Elaine is the mother of 3 complex children, a certified co-active coach, public speaker and writer, and the co-Founder of ImpactADHD®. She provides training, coaching, and support for parents at all stages of managing "complex" kids. A graduate of Wesleyan University, CT, - and the CORO Fellows program,  her practice at fulfills Elaine's lifelong mission to make a difference in the world in the lives of women and their families.
Elaine's Story - Why
"During my first ten years as a parent, I was miserable. Let me be clear: I love my kids. More than anything. But there was always a 'but.'  But it was hard. But it was frustrating. But it was lonely and isolating and terrifying.

It all started when my daughter was just two weeks old, she started to scream. It didn’t stop. As other kids passed childhood milestones, she struggled to master simple life skills. Instead of sleepovers and summer camp, she went to vision therapy and occupational therapy. Instead of forming friendships, she changed schools again and again. My daughter carried the heavy, lonely burden of not just one life-changing diagnosis, but three: ADHD, anxiety, and learning disabilities.

It's natural, as parents, we want to carry it for them. I wanted to pick her up and make everything better. Knowing that I couldn’t – that was one of the most painful, difficult learning experiences of my first decade as a parent of a 'complex' kid.

It's noteworthy that equally challenging was my own incredible isolation. It seemed like parents of other complex kids found each other. It was as if they had radar and could seek out others who struggled, just as they did. Sharing the load – talking about challenges and solutions and just making contact – makes it that much lighter. I felt like I was completely off the radar, that even among the complex kids, mine was more complicated.

In retrospect, I was desperate for community, for help. My daughter, thankfully, had a great therapist who provided her with guidance and support. Honestly, I couldn’t help but think: 'What about me?!' I knew I needed to do something. I just had no idea what."
Tune In For What Details
Then, consider her experienced perspective here at CBJ. Elaine is outstanding at breaking down her parenting, coaching and personal experience for workable objectives with complex children that arise from a contemporary neuroscience perspective:

Elaine Reports Here At CBJ/073

* I'm the parent of three complex children 
* I spent a lot of years muddled with an inconclusive diagnosis
* I want to help parents work with any chronic childhood condition
* How I provide virtual consultation and coaching online
* A Coach-Approach is what we're teaching 
* The learning opportunity - The Obstacle Is The Way
* On time, change and next
* Time, context & reality aren't covered in current diagnostic labels
* Part of the medical problem - limited by what we knew
* The conflicting dualities of medical approaches 

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