CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

070 Disability Recovery – Tscherne & Love

December 06, 2016

 Disability Recovery Needs A Plan
Except me as I am and I will learn what I can become.
~ John Tscherne
It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
~ Epictetus 
Dr. Richard Tscherne Reports: Disability Recovery With Partner Jaimie Love Adams
In this report Dr. Tscherne discusses his disability recovery in helpful detail. It's important to note that Dr. Tscherne is licensed clinical psychologist and a certified rehabilitation counselor with over 20 years experience in the field of disabilities. In addition to cerebral palsy, he's overcome many obstacles. Because of his own personal journey, he strives to empower others with disabilities. He does this by changing their attitudes about themselves. Also, you will discover that Dr. Richard Tscherne now also serves as a Shriner clown and entertains children with orthopedic disabilities and burn injuries at the Shriner Hospitals in Boston and Philadelphia. His memoir, The Little Engine That Did It, reflects how his disability empowered him to achieve his goals in life.

Always remember, recovery challenges create walls to making progress that requires specific, different activity patterns, both physically and mentally.
Dr. Tscherne's Mission - Disability Recovery Over the Wall
"As a result of my personal challenges with cerebral palsy, my Little Engine book is a metaphor for my own recovery journey. In a way, every one of us is on a journey that leads us into a labyrinth of new realities. The roads we travel on are not always straight; they have curves, bumps, and cracks, and travel is not easy. Even so, we continue on that road, trusting that it will lead us to someplace that answers the questions we hold. Once we get there, we understand why the path was not straight. The detours that we took were our greatest learning lessons."

My Journey
"To start with, my recovery journey is one of understanding and growing self-love. Once I started to appreciate who I was, my life began to change. Above all, I stopped pushing against my brick wall, which was, in my case, being born with cerebral palsy and fighting it for as long as I can remember. In the end, accepting that I have cerebral palsy has enabled my life to evolve; I became humble and empowered and began to understand love."

Your Journey
"What is your recovery journey? Has it been a straight road or a meandering one? Reflect on that for a moment. See your truth as you read through the pages of this book, and find your "aha" moment to lead you to your own empowerment."

Dr. Tscherne and Jamie Reports Here At CBJ/070

* I've met some interesting people as a Shriner clown  
* He's a Shriner clown managing a disability 
* My disability involves a clown in a scooter 
* An interesting phenomenon when I'm out in public
* When we're in public as a couple vs hidden in plain sight 
* About his corrective process - also for caretakers 
* You have to break it down and face reality in pieces 
* Dealing with reality encourages spiritual practice 
* His specific meditative practice

Our Best Single Supplement Recommendation For Brain Recovery

* Qualia - Our Most Recommended Nootropic | Brain Rehab Supplement - PDF: Where & How

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