CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

069 How I Found Myself Dean Roberts

December 01, 2016

How I Found Myself
I just finished  writing a book about my journey from being expelled from school at age 16, to creating a multi million dollar manufacturing business 25 yrs later. In my book I cover that challenging journey, that explanation of how I found myself, in an effort to connect with others.
~ Dean Roberts

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.
~ Marcus Aurelius
Dean Roberts Reports: Deep Self Discovery On The Street
At the outset, Dean tells us about his personal journey from adolescent pain to self-discovery, through his application of classical principles to improve his self-management and build his successful accomplishments in business.

Notably, Dean credits the beginning of his enlightenment to the Stoic philosophers and translates their insights into street applications. More specifically he attributes his most significant improvements on the insights in Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius.

As a result, he used classic philosophic insights to reframe his perceptions of the world, became less entitled and, as you will see when you listen in, more balanced in his approach to people, business, and his personal life.
On The Found Process: A Book Review
"A man's life cannot be justly written or adequately shared, not because language falls short - rather because a man's life is a subjective experience.

On further consideration, two identical situations can cause excitement in one or fear in another based on the accumulation of each of their perspectives and past influences.

At best, polaroid and captions afford us flickering glimpses into a heart and soul. I'll Fix My Head Before I'm Dead takes the reader by the hand and guides him through the nostalgic meandering of his personal memories. With wistful overtones and a stream of consciousness uninterrupted by punctuation, one cannot help but fall into rhythm with Roberts' thoughts as he reflects on a life lived to its fullest. With this in mind, Roberts offers an open invitation to relive some of his most vulnerable moments and caps each story with a lesson he gleaned from the adversity."
Roberts Reports Here At CBJ/069

* I hit a low point at 25 with more than a serious case of asthma  
* To study how to feel better I read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
* Parker comments on Science and Sanity, labels and science
* A summary of how I changed my life - a program 
* Highlights of my whole food journey
* Rudolph Steiner, founder of Waldorf Schools, and biodynamic agriculture

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Dean Book Drawing - Stoic Insights For Street Applications 
I'll Fix My Head Before I'm Dead

Here ↓ - Closed on Dec. 22, '16
Dean's Website & Store

* The Boneyard Express - Blog
* Green Earth Whole Foods - Oneonta, NY

His Book

* I'll Fix My Head Before I'm Dead - Global Amazon Link

References - Global Links

* Meditations by Marcus Aurelius New Translation by Gregory Hays