CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

066 Psychiatric Emergency Insights Isaac Abraham RN

November 22, 2016

Emergency Psychiatric Insights
Emergency Department crowding is exacerbated by the increase in the number of patients with mental disorders, substance abuse problems or both, who present with acute problems. Besides the mental health conditions these patients often have other medical problems including diabetes, liver disease and various infections..
~ Isaac Abraham
Psychiatric Emergency Challenges Arise Everyday

Isaac Abraham, MSN, RN, is a Senior Compass Clinical Consultant specializes in the treatment of behavioral health patients in hospital Emergency Departments [EDs or Emergency Rooms - ERs].

His psychiatric emergency edge: he teaches hospital ER personnel how to improve mental health challenges during some of their most difficult moments in a psychiatric emergency. His experience in ED/ERs reports for listeners a variety of consistent issues that affect direct patient care and throughput. While the balance of these matters varies in different hospitals and localities, they are relatively consistent problems – and Issac puts hard answers right under the ER lights.

In addition to the psychiatric emergency itself - managing the psychiatric clinical presentation, basic triage, becomes quickly complicated for medical facilities. The pervasive problem: boarding unpredictable and challenging individuals with psychiatric disorders in the midst of serious ED medical emergencies.

Psychiatric Emergencies Impact The Community

While the balance of these issues varies in different hospitals and localities, they are fairly consistent issues with a potential for strong negative impact on care for all patients, including less access and longer wait times. Both the hospital and community feel the consequences of inadequate planning and care.

The challenge: balanced disposition and a workable plan for the entire team.

Isaac Reports Corrective Details Here At CBJ/066

* His credentials and how he started
* Why his interest in ER management of psychiatric emergencies 
* The standard of care goes beyond insurance reimbursement 
* Taking care of the whole patient beyond boarding in the ER 
* These issues go beyond the hospital to the community itself
* Death in restraints will create problems
* The steps to correct these issues
* Too often staff simply doesn't listen

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Get Started Now: Isaac's PDF Download
Hospital Near Death Experience - How Medicare Termination
Can Push Your Hospital to the Brink of Closing

Isaac's Website


Additional Consultation Resources

* Plan of Care Training
* Staff Training


Next CoreBrain Journal Episode
067 Dr. Peter McCusker writes a weekly health-oriented blog Healthful Activity For Life, regarding physical activity and healthy recovery. He also recently published Don't Rest in Peace: Activity-Oriented, Integrated Physical and Mental Health. He provides both brief and extended lectures, in-service and continuing education presentations on multiple aspects of balanced relationships and healthy self-management.