CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

065 FitShrink Dr Kelly Morrow-Baez

November 17, 2016

FitShrink - Mind And Body Balance Programs
The information most people get from common media outlets looks great on paper but it's actually terrible advice when it comes to maintaining motivation. I am passionate about helping people learn to work with their mind instead of against it so they can achieve lasting, healthy lifestyle change.
~ Kelly Morrow-Baez
Who is the FitShrink? Personal Transformation

"My turning point was when I was diagnosed with PCOS and asked my doctor for Metformin - he refused and told me to go home and lose weight. That experience was both painful and confusing, but I took it to heart. I developed systems to keep my hormonal challenge in remission with diet and exercise. While most people understand that chronic hormonal diagnosis as a fixed limitation, I refused to accept that long-term outcome and learned that I could grow out of it. Now I share health and fitness recovery programs to help others find their way when they hit that increasingly visible medical wall.

As a licensed professional counselor, I learned that most (not all) people would benefit more planned lifestyle change than from receiving a diagnostic label. I created FitShrink to create transformational strategies and put plans into action."

Kelly As Travelling Companion

"The goal when I work with clients is not to get them to look like fitness models. I work primarily with women ages 45-60 who internally know they want to be healthier but feel lost with the how. One woman I worked with lost over 100 pounds - when she started she was struggling with joint pain, couldn't walk much, and had terrible asthma. Now she consistently walks 10,000 steps a day and has almost no asthma. Every day I work with people like her who think that they are "too old" or "too far gone' to make significant changes. It's never too late to become the healthiest version of yourself, one decision at a time.

Your healthy body needs a plan that connects with your life, your family, and your mind."

Kelly Reports Details Here At CBJ/065

* There's a missing piece to the weight loss puzzle - that missing piece is...
* A patient example of how a mindset process works for treatment failure 
* The most frequent problem I see is absolute information overload 
* The most successful way of dealing with cravings
* Binge eating: the medical model and a more comprehensive view 
* Testing for gluten and casein sensitivity for specific conditions 
* Consistency beats intensity

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Get Started Now: Kelly's Remarkable 

25 Day Complimentary Audio Series On Mindset Plans
Kelly's Website



* Food and mood, the complete guide to eating well and feeling your best. Somer, E. (1999), New York: Henry Hold and Company.
* Exercise as Treatment for Anxiety - Systemic Review and Analysis - PubMed
* The Weight Escape: How to stop dieting and start living. Bailey, A., Ciarrochi, J., Harris, R. (2014).
