CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

049 Prescription Drug Problems Dr Ruhling

September 22, 2016

Prescription drugs often do treat the symptoms, but may miss the causes 
Even in the face of failure, we should work to understand the most relevant cause - and take comfort knowing right makes might. We may not see the victory - and yet we must remember that truth and right will win - though it may take a different future form than we first imagine.
~ Richard Ruhling
Prescription Drugs & Dr. Richard Ruhling - Who
Dr. Ruhling is a retired physician who was board certified in Internal Medicine and Assistant Professor of Health Science at Loma Linda University where he was responsible for Executive Health from 1974-78. His message is essential: drugs might help in some ways, but miss underlying biomedical complexity.

Be forewarned: for Dr. Ruhling prescription drug issues are just a starter for his multiple concerns. His edgy comments address a variety of relevant frustrations from his years of medical experience - some of which do play out in everyday medical practice.

His more comprehensive awareness started when he attended cardiology meetings and heard Pritikin speak on reversing cardiovascular disease with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet which was a turning point to see that Hippocrates was right-- “Let your food be your medicine.” He later authored Why You Shouldn’t Ask Your Doctor.

Why Now 
While teaching in the mid-70's, I saw Pritikin reversing heart disease, high blood pressure and Type II diabetes with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet and exercise. Patients did better than those who took prescription drugs! Data-based medical understandings are changing every day.
Dr. Ruhling's Medical Opinion        
What drove him to dig deeper
His turning point with a spiritual challenge
His best advice on mind body and spirit  
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Complimentary Download - Dr. Ruhling's eBook
Wake Up America
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Dr. Ruhlings's Connections and Recommendations

* Website: 
* Book: Why You Shouldn't Ask Your Doctor - Choices That Can Save Your Life

Other References On Topic

* No Grain No Pain - Dr. Peter Osborne Free Audiobook Here
* Grain Brain  - Dr. David Perlmutter Free Audiobook Here

Next CoreBrain Journal Episode
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