CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

048 Chronic Pain Recovery Daniel Twogood

September 20, 2016

Chronic pain creates challenges that can kill you fast or slow 
We must simply cut to the bone on measurable details. It's essentail to discuss the specifics on exactly what causes chronic pain, and how to get rid of it.
~ Daniel Twogood
Dr. Daniel Twogood - Why Chronic Pain?  

Half of our CoreBrain Journal audience suffers from some form of chronic pain: fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, migraines, arthritis, IBS, and more. Most brain malfunctions are a result of the ingestion of specific neurotoxins and neuro-allergens. Conventional medicine has no answers beyond drugs. They don't know what causes chronic pain or any neuro-funk.

Here Dr. Twogood explains these challenges in simple terms.

Dr. Twogood - Who

He began practicing in 1983 at the International Sports Medicine Institute in West Los Angeles where he treated athletes in the 1984 Olympics. He discovered the diet/pain connection for himself in 1985 and wrote his first book, No Milk in 1992. Dr. Twogood has written two books since then, How to Rid Your Body of Pain in 1996, and MSG is Everywhere in 1997. In the last ten years, he has discovered more about chronic pain, what causes it, and how to eliminate chronic pain in a reasonable time frame.In a nutshell, chronic pain is due to inflammation that arises from specific substances in food, food additives, supplements, and medication. The solution is to eliminate these substances, and not add any additional inflammatory variables. This Episode starts you on a journey of deeper understanding regarding those variables.

Why Now & Prince

Chronic pain insights provide timely, new awareness because we now have an epidemic of addiction and death caused by opioids---the only solution conventional medicine has offered. Prince's untimely death is an example of chronic pain treatment with opioids gone astray.
Dan's Chronic Pain Details                                   

His first book on milk
How he became interested in chronic pain
Physical contributions to chronic pain
Milk is the killer
If the tests are negative 
Psychosis and milk 

What To Do Next

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Dr. Twogood's Connections and Recommendations

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