CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

044 Whole Foods & Brain Function Denise Thunderhawk

September 06, 2016

 Brain and body imbalances connect in surprising ways
Folowing 9-11 I suffered crippling PTSD. I had nausea, was vomiting, and the dizzy spells constantly knocked me off my feet. Nothing worked. My first visit with an informed doctor, he used only THREE needles because I couldn't lie down for a complete treatment. Twenty-five minutes later, 90 percent of my symptoms were gone.
~ Denise Thunderhawk
Denise: Who  
Brief Bio:   
"It took an enormous toll on me, and as a result of that 9-11 tragedy, I have PTSD.

I couldn't leave my house for over a year; I didn't sleep, except when I pulled into rest stops between my investigation cases. During that time, I used herb medicines to keep me on an even keel but I still wasn't sleeping, and the palpitations were 24/7.

When I did sleep, the nightmares returned to haunt me. I also endured other physical pains as a result of the trauma. At one point, after several days of not sleeping, I thought I had a heart attack, the palpitations were so severe. I knew then I had to find someone to help me, someone who was more qualified. I knew for some reason that I needed to see a Chinese medicine doctor.

I found an excellent doctor nearby who helped me begin to heal my emotional wounds and physical pains."
Denise: What      

"After my mother passed, I built up the courage to go to medical school to study Oriental medicine, since it had helped me so much. 9/11 changed me in many ways - both good and bad - but it set me on a journey to the internal, spiritual world and taught me about healing old wounds, letting go. It taught me to see the world (and everything in it) in a whole new light. For that, I am grateful - which was one of the many lessons I learned along that bumpy road."
Whole Foods: A Part of Any Solution
Diagnostic Patterns 

Symptom Patterns Then Modify Whole Foods Diet 
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Denise's Book & Additional References:

* Healing With Whole Foods - Global Amazon Link
* Pitchford, Paul – Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition. Third Edition. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA. 2002.
* Lu, Dr. Henry C., Ph.D. Chinese Natural Cures: Traditional Methods for Remedies and Preventions. Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, Inc., New York, NY, 1994.
* Hadady, Letha, L.Ac. Asian Healing Secrets: The Complete Guide to Asian Herbal Medicine. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, NY, 1996.
* Audible - Get a free 30-day trial of fantastic audiobooks on these same subjects.


Complimentary 044 Denise Drawing Closes September 20, 2016:
For: The 5-Element Guide to Healing with Whole Foods
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045: Dr Sharon Livingston is the creator of Sharpen The Focus Institute, an organization that teaches interviewing and moderating skills, incorporating proven psychological techniques to help people identify and understand the value of their personal narrative.  She conducts an ongoing international coaching club on Insight Mining for advanced practitioners. Dr. Livingston is President of ICCA – The International Coach Certification Alliance,