CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

041 ADHD Recovery Melissa Hood

August 25, 2016

ADHD Recovery - Plans and Persistence Matter
I honestly never dreamed that I would ever be standing where I currently stand. I was told by teachers/professors that I was not college material and that my ADHD was so severe that I might just want to consider getting a trade so that I would have some type of job. I'm currently in my Doctoral program conducting research that has won awards for helping educators teach people, like myself with ADHD, specific principles for advanced self management.
~ Mellissa Hood
About Missy Hood
"After losing 40 jobs in 15 years, Missy Hood had suffered and struggled to overcome her ADHD. Missy triumphed over her condition and had gone on to achieve great things, and she wants to inspire others to do the same. Upon completing her research study at Texas State University, she decided sharing her life story in an autobiography would assist others dealing with the same disorder. Today Missy is enrolled in Concordia University's Ed. D Program as she pursues her passion for teaching others in the field of Transformational Leadership. Today, Missy lives in Round Rock, TX, and she continues to counsel and raise up those deemed 'less likely to succeed.'  

Missy's Painful Reality
It took me three attempts at college before I finally graduated (after 6yrs). It took me another 12 yrs to attain the confidence even to consider going after my Masters and I wouldn't have ever considered a Ph.D. except for the fact that I was invited to the program by my professors because of my award-winning research. I moved into destiny after the death of my father (I was 22yrs) and was forced to find a way to take care of myself because learning was so hard for me. My life evolved over a 20-year time span with God taking me into the film industry (as a theatric costuming designer to the stars) and then back to college for my Masters. But I never (in a million years) ever thought I'd be standing in a Ph.D. program that was developing research to help students like myself. I never thought I was smart enough. It turns out the joke was on me for ever believing that lie.
Missy's Success Reveals What You Can Do
As an ADHD person, I have a highly unique ability to see the fastest way to get from pt. A to pt. B in the least amount of time, the least amount of monies and the least amount of effort. This part of my gift won me Employee of the Quarter 5 times in 3 years, with nine pay raises in 8 years. It also helped to save my employer over 10,000.00 in that eight years that I held that job. So ADHD is high beneficial if employers will just allow us to be ourselves. The 2nd time was when I won an award in my Master's Program for my research on Students with Disabilities and their Coping Skills. This award transformed the Office of Disabilities at Texas State as well as set a brand new paradigm in the way they approached students with ADHD. I was then invited to speak at an international conference for Students with Disabilities in Denver CO in 2012 because of that same research."
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Missy's Book & References:

* Memoirs of an ADHD Mind - Melissa Hood 2015 - 130 pgs
* Adams, R., Finn, P., Moes, E., Flannery, K., & Rizzo, A. S. (2009). Distractibility in attention/deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): The virtual reality classroom. Child Neuropsychology, 15, 120-135.
* Kaminski, P. L., Turnock, P. M., Rosen, L. A., & Laster, S. A.