CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

039 Epigenetic Change Autism & Cancer Dr John Morrow

August 18, 2016

Epigenetic Change Creates Profound Challenges
From Autism To Cancer
My extensive research on the far-reaching implications of epigenetic influences on health and disease now encourage me to share these discoveries with lay audiences to help address the social and political implications of our collective experience of profound epigenetic change.
~ John Morrow
Diagnostic Science Addresses Treatment Failure
On Many Unanticipated Levels
Dr. Morrow's Personal Notes
Epigenetic Change - Dr. Morrow's Training
My training is in the field of genetics (Ph.D.), University of Washington, Seattle).  I did post-doctoral study at the Istituto di Geneticà, Universitá di Pavia, Italy, and the Institute for Cancer Research (now the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia PA).
Epigenetic change addresses the critical, indeed essential, consequences of environmental change on our mind and body. If we don't look, we can't see. Genetics are heritable and remain fixed, while epigenetic change occurs as a consequence of the dynamics of reality experiences over our lifetimes - Stress does create epigenetic change. [Consider the profound neurotransmitter consequences of epigenetic change reviewed by Dr. Walsh during our discussion here at CBJ-025 on Methylation.]
Dr. Morrow'a Research
I have extensive experience in the academic community, including faculty positions at the University of Kansas and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. I have authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications reporting original research in genetics, immunology, developmental biology, evolution, cancer biology and animal science.
I have been the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on over $2.5M of federal and privately funded research grants, and I was the leading investigator on a small business innovative research grant (SBIR) from the National Institutes of Health to Meridian Biosciences, Inc.
Current Activities
In addition to my academic experience, for the last 15  years, I work directly with Meridian Bioscience, Inc., an immunodiagnostics firm located in Cincinnati. I initially served as first Principal Investigator on a research project supported by the company, and later as Director of Biological Sciences Research at their Cincinnati facility. In addition to my involvement as a research scientist at Meridian, I have consulted for numerous private companies on matters of epigenetic change and measurement.
Currently, I also serve on the editorial boards of Biopharm International.
This spring (2016) I will be joining Point A Consulting (Louisville KY), as part of a team evaluating an expansion proposal developed by a Southeastern US research institute. I will consult and advise the scientific staff on the details of their project.
In 2009 I was awarded a Science Journalism Laureate for excellence in scientific writing from Purdue Uni...