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CoreBrain Journal

038 Hypnosis, Synthesis and Recovery Dr John McGrail

August 16, 2016

Hypnosis Provides Connections - Synthesis
& Personal Transformation
My most interesting work is my Synthesis process; integrating modern science with tools, techniques, methods and traditions more spiritually oriented - the old ways - to help Western thinkers rediscover their personal power and thrive in what has become a very energetically imbalanced culture and society.
~ John McGrail
Hypnosis: A Treatment Option Beyond Meds
John McGrail, Ph.D., in Los Angeles CA, is a well known clinical hypnotherapist, self-improvement expert and spiritual teacher who has helped thousands of clients and students from all walks of life through his clinical practice with hypnosis and self-improvement/motivational seminars and workshops. Dr. McGrail's book, The Synthesis Effect, Your Direct Path to Personal Power and Transformation introduces his uniquely effective Hypnosis and Synthesis approach, integrating science and spirit to create personal growth and transformation, and to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual balance in life. Dr. McGrail is regularly featured writing and expertise in many print and online publications, and he is a regular guest expert on radio and television.
About Dr. McGrail               
I was an only child, raised by a single parent during the height of the Cold War, a very insecure and scary time. I entered adulthood extremely Type A; riddled with insecurity, compulsive, incredibly intense, addicted and co-dependent. When my then wife left me to ride out a terrible natural disaster on my own, it forced me to face myself and find my way out of those patterns. I embraced and developed my spirituality, worked through my insecurities and re-discovered my power. All of that led to my doing the work I do today, helping others find their power.
His Results
I have seen hundreds of clients transform themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually in a matter of weeks, once they learn how powerful they are, and commit to taking responsibility for their lives and their outcomes. I work across the spectrum of human behavior so it could be getting rid of the addiction, losing over 100 pounds, conquering a debilitating fear or phobia, finding a soul-mate, overcoming chronic stress and or anxiety; whatever "it" was for them; it often happens quickly and profoundly.
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Dr. McGrail's Book & References:

* The Synthesis Effect - Your Direct Path To Personal Power and Transformation. 240 pgs, 2012
Grieves, V. (2002). Aboriginal philosophy. Retrieved July 31, 2008, from University of Newcastle – Australia, AWABA Web site:

Morse, D.R., Martin, J.S., Furst, M., Dubin, L.L. (1977). A physiological and subjective evaluation of meditation, hypnosis, and relaxation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 39, 5, September-October, 1977

Schwab, H. (2005). The origin, evolution and function of the human mind. Retrieved July 31, 2008,


Complimentary 038 McGrail Book Drawing Closes August 30, 2016
The Synthesis Effect