CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

036 Clutter To DeClutter Alison Kero

August 09, 2016

Clutter Explored: The Meaning & The Cure

Clutter isn't just physical; it's emotional and spiritual as well. Stuff has meaning.
~ Alisha Kero

Alison Transcends Clutter With These Utilitarian Understandings
Why Alison? Clutter Kills Personal Development

Clutter began early for Alison. She grew up in the context of models from 2 different organizational styles. One parent practiced precision-neatness, while the other lived cluttered-up, like a packrat. Through her teenage and college years Alison lived more like a packrat, but when she became an adult and started living on her own, she searched for ways to easily way to break that clutter mold and become better organized.

When Alison evolved as a decluttering expert in 2004, she always searched for additional ways to make her clients easier through organizational skills. However, it wasn't until 2015 while recovering from a physical illness that she discovered what the clutter process revealed to her:

Clutter isn't just physical; it's emotional and spiritual as well.

By starting with the physical clutter and using the 5 Main Organizational Steps, she discovered ways to start transforming her life in a truly meaningful way - as the physical clutter left her life, the emotional and spiritual clutter were easier to identify and remove as well. Suddenly she felt she was living more comfortable, happier, more authentic life.

In fact, Alison found that her health, happiness, and productivity levels all improved when she stuck to the Main 5. She later discovered that they were particularly helpful during times of stress or when she recognized herself wanting to self-sabotage the positive changes she was making.

She has continued working the process ever since and is now happily sharing her methods with her clients.

Alison Personal Notes

"I'm still working through the auto-immune illness that created many difficult challenges for me, but I use the decluttering system every day with every decision I make, and it helps. It prevents me from self-sabotage and even better, it helps me recognize the signs of self-sabotage. It encourages me to make better self-love based decisions, and it helps me navigate my way back to a healthier, happier, more productive me than I ever was before my illness.

Decluttering isn't about making things tidy; it's about letting go of what doesn't matter to you so that you allow yourself to see and experience what does matter to you. It makes a difference in how you show up on the planet, and it's a great way to empower yourself, to know yourself better and to make better, stronger decisions that lead to more peace, happiness, and fulfillment in your life."

More Alison Contributions

Alison has presented as an organization and productivity blogger for and has also been interviewed by US News & World Report, Woman's World, Yahoo! Finance, and many other online publications for her DeClutter opinions. She also wrote her first book, How to Fail at Business, which shares lessons she learned owning her first business in 2011 and is toying with writing a new book. She has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, the CBS Morning Show and the Mike Huckabee Show, as well as the NY Times,, an internal MasterCard commercial - and you might even be able to spot her in the background as an extra on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
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Alison's Book Recommendations:

* The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and OrganizingHardcover– October 14, 2014, by