CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

034 Copper & Kryptopyrrole Dr William Walsh-2

August 02, 2016

Copper and Kryptopyrrole Details For Treatment Failure
- The CoreBrain Journal Walsh Molecular Series: 2 of 3 -
A common problem in ADHD, behavior disorders, and hormonal depression is a genetic inability to control copper, zinc, manganese, and other trace metals in the body due to improper functioning of the metallothionine protein.  These patients are often deficient in trace metals, amino acids, and Vitamin B-6 and overloaded in others.  They must avoid supplements and "enriched" foods containing copper..
~ William Walsh
Agenda: This Walsh Molecular Series
Dr. Walsh Digs Deeper

* Methylation - CBJ/025 Published - Start At This Link | Update Post - CBJ/115
* Copper & Kryptopyrrole - CBJ/034 Published Here - Prepare for Bipolar and Schizophrenia | Update: CBJ/137

* Schizophrenia & Bipolar - CBJ/042 - Published
* The End of Autism - CBJ/141 - Published

Copper [Cu] Overview: 

"Copper-overloaded depressives usually report that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants provide an improvement in moods, but they worsen anxiety. Benzodiazepines such as Klonopin and Xanax can be effective in reducing anxiety but are reported to have little effect on depression for this biotype. High-copper females are usually intolerant of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy since these treatments increase copper levels in the blood. [96% of this biotype are women.]"[1]

Consider chronic fatigue [CFS], terrible PMS with PMDD, and pervasive irritation with profound anxiety down to the marrow of your bones. 

Walsh Kryptopyrrole [Kp] Overview:

"Pyrrole disorder typically involves high anxiety, poor behavioral control, a reading disorder, impaired immune function, and other troubling symptoms. We observe severe pyrrole levels in persons diagnosed with violent behaviors, depression, schizophrenia, and other severe mental disorders.

A significant number of undermethylated depression patients exhibit some degree of pyrrole disorder. Many persons with this combination of imbalances show high accomplishment throughout life, but report extreme internal anxiety and poor stress control along with depression. Since both undermethylation and pyrrole disorder present often with low serotonin activity, depression is usually more severe in these cases. Our database studies indicate persons with this hybrid condition are more likely to report suicidal thoughts compared to individuals with any other form of depression."[1]

About Dr. Walsh               

William J. Walsh, Ph.D., FACN, president of the non-profit Walsh Research Institute, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of nutritional medicine and a key scientist paving the way for nutrient-based psychiatry and nutritional medicine.  Over the past 30 years, Dr. Walsh has developed biochemical treatments for patients diagnosed with behavioral disorders, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, autism, clinical depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia,