CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

025 Methylation Insights Improve Treatment Outcomes – Walsh

June 30, 2016

Methylation Details For Treatment Failure
The CoreBrain Journal Walsh Molecular Series: 1 of 3
More than two-thirds of persons diagnosed with a behavior or mental disorder exhibit a methylation imbalance. A person’s methyl status is established during the first few months of in-utero development and this condition tends to persist throughout life.
~ William Walsh
Agenda: The Walsh Molecular Series 

* Methylation - CBJ/025 - Each is a 1-hour Special Interview | Update - CBJ/115
* Copper & Kryptopyrrole - CBJ/034 Active Link | Cu & Kp Update - CBJ/137
* Schizophrenia & Bipolar - CBJ/042 Active Link
* The End of Autism -CBJ/141 - Link

Methylation Overview: Two-Thirds, 66%, Is A Remarkable Number

Molecular measures change the rules of the diagnostic and treatment game. Why? Improved target recognition for contributory molecular mind variables offers increased precision and more predictable outcomes.  It's a terrific honor for me, and for our serious team at CoreBrain Journal, to welcome Dr. Walsh for this first in a special series of three one-hour CBJ indispensable interviews.

Why one hour? - Because Bill's message is important for many reasons:

* Fresh, Relevant Data in a rapidly rising sea of excellent biomedical insights improves mind measurement and treatment initiatives for many who suffer from treatment failure.
* Cost-Effective Measures now reveal patterns of previously under-appreciated brain functions that look on the surface as untreatable - e.g. personality disorders, autism, mood disorders, schizophrenia, cognitive deterioration, ADHD.
* Understandable insights that lead to specific biomedical resolution strategies. Read his book. His molecular view arrives in different language packaging, and yet is quite easily translated into informed, effective clinical care by many.

About Dr. Walsh               

William J. Walsh, Ph.D., FACN, president of the non-profit Walsh Research Institute, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of nutritional medicine and a key scientist paving the way for nutrient-based psychiatry and nutritional medicine.  Over the past 30 years, Dr. Walsh has developed biochemical treatments for patients diagnosed with behavioral disorders, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, autism, clinical depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease that are used by doctors throughout the world.

His book, Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain [updated May 2014], describes specific findings for his evidence-based nutrient therapy system.

Dr. Walsh’s noted accomplishments include:  (a) groundbreaking studies reporting reduced violent behavior following nutrient therapy, (b) the 1999 discovery of undermethylation and copper/zinc imbalances [Coming: CBJ/034] in autism, (c) the 2000 finding of metallothionein protein depletion in autism, (d) the 2007 published study linking copper overload and post-partum depression, (e) the identification of five biochemical subtypes of clinical depression, (f) the 2011 development of the Walsh Theory of Schizophrenia [Coming: CBJ/042], and (g) the direction of the Beethoven Research Project that revealed that the composer suffered from severe lead poisoning.

His internationally acclaimed presentations,