CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

023 Aaron Wayne Duke – Beyond The Bully

June 23, 2016

Bully Answers: Self Esteem Recovery That Works

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
- Children's Verse - Christian Recorder - 1862

Bully Brief About Aaron:

Aaron reports here: How to handle the bully. Aaron Wayne-Duke is an author, motivational speaker, hall of fame martial artist and former award winning radio broadcaster. His book, Daily Affirmations-Growing the garden of your mind is a self-help book that was inspired by his own personal revelations on the important topic of stuck mental programming, illusory self esteem challenges, and effective, personal reprogramming. He's worked as a magazine columnist and contributor for an international publication, as a recording artist, record producer and voice over talent. He is recognized as the "anti-bully expert" by WGIL News Radio in Chicago.

Aaron's Bully Story: Mid Life Self Awareness In The Context Of Success

Aaron looked good, he didn't feel good inside.

Later in life, surprisingly late, he came to the conclusions he shares in this CBJ/023 interview. He didn't develop the internal tools to manage bully abuse, and success didn't teach him any answers.

A gifted public and motivational speaker, teacher and presenter, Aaron works nationwide helping educate and inspire children, youth and adults through his books, speaking engagements and seminars.

Aaron was a six time Illinois Broadcaster Association Silver Dome Award winner at both WMOI and WLSR radio.  He has been a magazine columnist and contributor for an international publication, recording artist, record producer and voice over talent.

He is a featured self-defense speaker and instructor for the local, regional and state, Illinois FCCLA: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America . He is a member of the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame and the Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Honors. He currently owns and operates the Galesburg Academy of Martial Arts in Galesburg, Illinois.

Aaron Wayne-Duke trains clients live on-site, online, and at conferences and conventions.
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Aaron's Book:

* Global Amazon Link: Daily Affirmations - Growing The Garden Of Your Mind

Aaron's Website:

* Aaron Wayne's World

Books /Articles Aaron Recommends:

* Think and Grow Rich, ABC's of Success and the Imposter Syndrome – Napoleon Hill
* What is Imposter Syndrome? By Ellen Hendriksen May 27, 2015 Scientific American
* Feel like a Fraud? By Kirsten Weir - November 13, 2013 American Psychological Association


Complimentary 023 Drawing Closes July 7, 2016:
Aaron provides His Complimentary book for this 023 listener drawing:
- Enter The Drawing Here -

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024: Dr Mark Bertin is a developmental pediatrician in Pleasantville NY, and author of Mindful Parenting for ADHD and The Family ADHD Solution, which integrates mindfulness into the rest of evidence-based ADHD care. He is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at New York Medical College,