CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

016 Peggy Sealfon – Escape From Anxiety

May 31, 2016

Deep Recovery From Chronic Anxiety
Anxiety often defaults to repetition in neural pathways that must be broken with various interrupter tools, both conceptual and physical, to break those patterns of arrested personal development.
- Peggy Sealfon
Anxiety Keeps You Frozen: Peggy Discusses Options for Treatment Failure - Meditation and Beyond

Peggy Sealfon, originally from New York City, now resides in Naples, FL. In this interview Peggy adds considerable additional strategies for anxiety recovery on many levels. In her remarks here at CoreBrain Journal Peggy discusses specific, comprehensive strategies for chronic, refractory anxiety conditions.

Peggy is a Personal Development Coach, author, and a motivational speaker. Her Integrated Life Personal Coaching System is a customized approach to awaken personal balance and ignite each person's inner source of empowerment, self confidence and specific recovery actions.

She combines ancient yogic techniques, mindfulness and spirituality with functional medicine, modern psychology, energy medicine, nutrition and the neurosciences with profound respect for synchronizing mind body connections. Peggy creates personal self management plans for the long term.

Peggy's best-selling book is Escape From Anxiety—Supercharge Your Life With Powerful Strategies From A to Z. She is also a co-author of The Change: Insights Into Self Empowerment (In a series of Change books with Co-Author Jim Britt - an original mentor of Tony Robbins).

Peggy's Message In Three Sentences:

Start any recovery with the realization that as a human being you embody complexity. Don't let the complexity overwhelm you. Start with the basics - and practice with a clear vision of where you're going.
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Peggy Recommends:

* Yoga Nidra - See the 10 Steps of Yoga Nedra here: Yoga Journal
* Book: Escape From Anxiety—Supercharge Your Life With Powerful Strategies From A to Z. Global Amazon Link:
* Additional Resources At Her Website:
* Peggy's Life Planning Program: 


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Peggy's Book: Escape From Anxiety

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