CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

015 Kevin Hall – Bipolar Recovery & Reality

May 26, 2016

Bipolar Recovery - Truman Show Notes From The Underground
The scene was going beautifully. The "homeless people" in line with me for bread and hot stew couldn't have been better cast and costumed. Nice touch by the Director to have them smell the part too. Made it real easy to stay in character.
~ Kevin A. Hall 
He not busy being born is busy dying.
~ Bob Dylan
The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
~ Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell To Arms
They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?
~ Fodor Dostoyevski 
Kevin's Story - Bipolar, The Truman Show Delusion, Cancer, and Self Realization

Kevin's reportage connects illusory Dreams with hard-training Bipolar Reality. I've said it before: his writing is powerful, a combination of Hemingway and romance in Farewell to Arms with Dostoyevsky in Notes from the Underground.  Kevin's experiences will at once shock and inspire you to become more involved with the process of understanding the biomedical complexity of mood disorders. [Stay tuned at CBJ for Dr. William Walsh's upcoming interview on the measurable biomedical neurophysiology of Bipolar and Schizophrenia.]

From the high romance of America's Cup sailing, Olympic and World Sailing Championships to the lost streets of multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, suicidal thinking and manic fireworks with recurrent bipolar Truman Show Delusions, Kevin describes details of how it feels when your dream-face hits the pavement.

Kevin's terrible quandary, too simplified: he's too often on stage, and knows the Director is always watching.
From his website, Kevin spells out the good part:

Kevin A. Hall is an Ivy League graduate of Brown University, where he earned bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and French literature. Despite being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1989, he went on to become a world-champion Olympic sailor, as well as racing navigator for Emirates Team New Zealand in the 2007 America’s Cup match. A two-time testicular cancer survivor, Hall has spent a successful twenty-five years as a racing navigator, speed testing manager, and sailing performance and racing instruments expert. A brief version of his story was featured in Joel and Ian Gold’s book Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness, as the only nonanonymous case study of a patient with Truman Show delusion. Hall currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with his wife and their three children.
Kevin's book is different:
While in his book Black Sails White Rabbits you also live right there in his brain with his questions, his pain, his driven self-examination, and his deep wish to manage himself successfully in real life. In Black Sails, you live the details of his personal reality, his victories, his failures, his courage and his compassion. Most striking and inspirational: his compassion, his warmth, his candid, constructive sensitivity for those whom he loves.
Kevin doesn't quit.
Kevin's Mission  
At first, Kevin sounds disconnected and lost. But as you sail with him you discover how he yearns for connections, for trust, and for making serious contributions to the lives of his fellow travelers. Black Sails contains many lessons for those who suffer from mental c...