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CoreBrain Journal

012 Dr Joanny Liu – Concussion and Suicide

May 17, 2016

Concussion Does Link To Suicide

Let's start looking at the answers already documented in neuroscience research completed on concussion and suicide in the last 25 years.
- Joanny Liu
The state of concussion “treatments” in conventional sports medicine is non-existent. The NFL paid a group of the brightest minds in neuroscience $100 million to come up with answers. Last summer they announced the answer: exercise. - Are you kidding?
- Joanny Liu
Concussion Denial Contributes to Treatment Failure and Suicide

This interview with Dr. Liu documents the deep value of more comprehensive diagnostic and treatment strategies for TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury,  and PCS - Post Concussion Syndrome - with a compelling drive from her own personal experience. Joanny is fresh, engaging, and passionate about essential improvements that arise from her own insights and transformational experience with her own son's serious injury.

Reality does change your perspective.

Ed Note:

Dr. Liu's active consultation practice includes  a deeper look at how each individual's personal life experiences and understandings  can improve Post Concussive Syndrome recovery prognosis.
This Video Makes A Similar Point - With An Epigenetic Angle

Her Message In A Sentence:

TBI and PCS recovery takes determined action and a particular program that addresses the complexity of biologic and spiritual foundations for effective life changes.

Dr. Liu's Connections

* Her website:


Dr. Liu's books and texts spell out specific, different, more structured and specific brain interventions that can prove more helpful. Her variety of personal and clinical experiences takes us down interesting, potentially controversial paths, but she speaks with the authority of truly having 'been there.'

Jump On This Download: And don't forget her Download Opportunity below - she added effort to make your time here at CoreBrain Journal even more productive. Ends May 31, 2016.

Dr. Liu's Concussion Recovery Books:

* Knock Out Concussions! | Global Amazon Link:
* Heal Your Concussion - How To Quickly And Effectively Get Back In The Game | Global Amazon Link: [See the download opportunity below - and my review of this specific book in the Transcript notes below.]

Articles On Concussion and Suicide

* Canadian Study: Adults With Concussion 3 Times More Likely To Suicide
* Concussions and Suicide: - Concussion Link

* Boston News With Dr. Liu: Concussion and Suicide
* Risk of Suicide After Concussion:
* Excellent Complete Article: Practical Neurology -