CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

011 Dr Karen Jacobson – Strategic Performance

May 12, 2016

Coaching For Now - Strategic Performance For Legacy

Today we're beyond "coaching," with vertical advice from above. Strategic performance work sets an objective of internal recovery and discovery - lasting personal value and global contribution.
- Karen Jacobson
Strategic Performance Strategies Discourage Treatment Failure

This articulate and provocative interview with Dr. Jacobson adds considerable insights for the deep value of more comprehensive strategic performance planning... from within. Karen is absolutely delightful and filled with interesting anecdotes that reveal her engaging perspective on a variety of issues - not the least of which is a favorite complaint of mine: reductionistic thinking and labels.

Karen wags her engaging, metaphoric finger at any hint of using fixed pathology [e.g. 'Disorder'] vs dynamic, operational, functional options. For her Past Trauma is not fixed with a Disorder label - it's not PTSD, it's PTS, no D. 'Disorder' creates a pathology dynamic from the outset, while the dynamics of Stress Awareness can become instructive - indeed constructive - to those interested in advanced self-management and leadership. 

Her variety of personal and clinical experiences takes us down interesting, potentially controversial paths, but she speaks with the authority of truly having 'been there.' And don't forget to download her eBook below - her added effort to make your time here at CoreBrain Journal even more productive.

Ed Note:

Dr. Jacobson's active consultation practice embraces her vast strategic performance experience from NLP [Neurolinguistic Programming], Time Line Therapy [], hypnotherapy, breath work, Reiki - and she's a certified chiropractic sports physician as well.

Dr. Jacobson Strongly Recommends:

* You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay: Amazon Global Link

Her Message In A Sentence:

Your improved, strategic approach to your life requires a full appreciation of your values, your family, your work relationships, and your physical health - anything less will keep you stuck in places that don't permit growth.

Dr. Jacobson's Connections

* Her website:


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Complimentary eBook By Dr. Jacobson - 7 Strategies to High-Performance Living

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012: Dr. Joanny Liu is a physician, author, speaker and brain expert and an international leader in Chinese Sports Medicine, and has written three books on the challenges of Traumatic Brain Injury and healing concussive events. I interviewed Dr. Liu from her office in Calgary, Canada where she connects healing from serious physical maladies [TBI & PCS] with principles of mental balance and her expertise in Chinese Medicine.

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