CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

004 Keith Kosierowski – ADHD Coaching Balance

April 15, 2016

ADHD Coaching: The Wheel Of Balance

Appearances are often deceiving.
— Aesop
Schools need specific structures to manage executive function challenges.
- Keith Kosierowski
Fresh ADHD Coaching Perspectives

ADHD Coaching today evolves to include biological reality. First remember that with ADHD issues, Reality matters far more than dreams. Next recall that Executive Function Challenges are the mother, the origin of ADHD symptoms. Coaching works for the complexity of Reality-Self-Management for any Executive Function challenge.  The way Executive Coaching for ADHD works is simple: Coaching addresses personal Reality, and, as Keith also points out, biological, biomedical brain and body reality.

If those who suffer with Executive Function Challenges intend to address reality, it's important to address every aspect of a person's life - from nutrition, to exercise, to sleep, to organizational skills, to planning and relationship management.

In this interview Kosierowski discusses his work with a variety of clients and audiences based upon his ADHD Wheel of Balance. Using his balance wheel he addresses the real complexity of each person's life in efforts to grow and move forward.

His Message In Two Sentences:

Concerned parents must always include specific biomedical strategies for the most effective, most predictable outcomes over time. Exercise, breakfast, conflict resolution and negotiation strategies can then help resolve recovery challenges.

Kosierowski Connections

* Keith's practice details: 

Recommended Resource Book: Global Amazon Link

* Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain - John Ratey


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