CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

002 Monica Cassani – Medication Problems

April 13, 2016

Medication Problems: Monica's Problem
Come to think of it, you can't get there from here.
Bert and I
Medication problems spoiled her progress
Beyond Meds: Monica Cassani has seen the system from both sides - as a social worker and as a person whose life was severely ruptured by psychiatric drugs. She writes critically about the system, as well as about holistic pathways of healing without medication.

Medication problems can create real suffering. Listen to Monica tell you how difficulties with her psychiatric treatment dramatically added to her problems.

I hear similar medication problems everyday in my offices

From my office experience I can candidly report her story is not unusual in process, but is quite unusual in severity.

Future CBJ plan: interview many guests on what-to-do

Listen up on this episode, Monica's 002 CBJ Interview, as Monica's story is not unique. You've heard it before from different sources. Hers is not a single personal problem, her narrative is representative a global problem. Our mission in all of our CBJ interviews: to prevent problems like this by more completely understanding and communicating about CoreBrain neurophysiology in the first place. Let's first overcome the denial about the limitations of standard diagnosis & medication treatment problems, then dig  deeply for more predictable solutions - especially when obvious problems arise within the treatment process over time.

Her Message: Treating the complexity of mind conditions only through assessment of superficial, observable symptoms too often proves inadequate.

Monica's  Connections For Medication Problems

* Her website with an abundance of resources:
* Monica's Personal Journey 
* Monica's Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal Resources
* Her story from
* Mad In America: Helpful Withdrawal Websites

An Important Reference

* The Ashton Manuel - Benzodiazepines: How They Work, and How To Withdraw, Dr Heather Ashton, Newcastle University '01 - Revised '02, '11

 Recommended Resource Book: Global Amazon Link

* Practical Guide To Psychiatric Medications - Simple, Concise, & Up To Date


Complimentary Download 002
Cassani's Conclusions : Beyond Meds - 24 pg. PDF

Complimentary ADHD Meds Download:
Video & Audio Executive Function Details To Prevent ADHD Medication Problems:

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