
Episode #30 – CopTalk Podcast
Ask a Cop?,
Reader Questions:
Texting and not paying attention....
Oakland, CA - Criminals following home shoppers and being robbed in the privacy of their home.
How do we determine you are speeding?
Ask a Cop? Working Radar at night…
Subject: Running Radar
Is it legal for the police to run radar on a 4 lane highway (2 lanes north & 2 lanes south) after dark without having any lights of any kind on? I have seen the local city police and sheriff doing this in northern West Virginia.
Our Reply:
You asked a simple question (thank you) and it can be answered in 3 words… "yes it’s legal".
Just as with motorist who don’t slow down at night – neither does traffic enforcement and it’s probably safe to say those officers sitting in the dark working radar have probably gotten a lot of intoxicated drivers off the highway just from working traffic enforcement. Those officers you see are more than likely using laser devices which are much more accurate than traditional radar units. The number of lanes on a highway running in either direction is not a factor. The lasers are extremely accurate and have a very long range. Our advice? Stay within 10 mph of the posted speed limit and that will usually keep you out of traffic court!
Stay safe – and thanks for your question
Jim Lambert
Ask A Cop? The dreaded wall….
I was just wondering if there is a better technique to getting over the six foot wall? I got over all three , but missed my time by three seconds. How can I speed my time up so that i get over all three walls in under 15 seconds. i have been running, is there anything else. please help if possible.
practice practice…. running is one thing
practice on the wall just as much as you run.
My bet is you’ll see improvement in a weeks time!
Ask a Cop? – In a place after dark…
Subject: In a place that is closed after dark
Myself and three of my friends were sitting on a boat dock when a police officer pulled up and asked us what we were doing and we were just sitting there they searched us and nothing was found but he said that he was not sure if he was going to cite us. Then he drove away can we still be fined.
Our Reply:
When a group of people are sitting, standing or loitering in an area that is closed or otherwise not a common public area, it draws a cops attention and they usually will stop to see what you are doing. I don’t know the circumstances but something made the cop decide to contact you and search you. If nothing illegal was found, the only thing I can think of that you could be cited for would be curfew (if you are under 18 and were out late at night) or trespassing if it was private property. If he left without having you sign a citation, I don’t see how he can decide to cite you later. If someone receives a citation, they have to sign it and be given a copy showing the violation and the court date. Sounds like he was trying to scare you into leaving.
Ask a Cop? – Possession
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 9:05 PM
Subject: Possession
I have somewhat of a strange question I guess. Well I lent my brother awhile ago my ATV and trailer to use. Well time went on I moved really didn’t have a place to put it so wasn’t worried about it. Well now he is trying to sell them. Friend of mine found a flyer at local hardware store. I have all titles and registrations I live in Michigan. What should I do. I don’t really want him to get arrested I guess but I do want my stuff back before it is sold to a third party and gone forever. What can I do. He changed his number so don’t know how to reach him. I know where he lives and when I go there no-one answers the door.
First thing I’d do is leave a note on your brother’s door telling him to call you regarding the property. If you get no response, I’d call the local police department and ask for a "Civil S...